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Purchase Requisition

Web-based purchasing app that is designed to create, approve and monitor the status of electronic requisitions at a glance

Supported Editions
Essential & Premium
Supported Countries
Canada, Mexico, Peru & the U.S
$12 per user/per month

Implementation Cost 



Our purchase requisition app breaks down the limitations of traditional purchase requisitions processes. Our app allows companies to leverage expense control benefits without incurring the associated financial overhead or administrative burden. It helps to eliminate paper forms. Use our electronic purchase requisition app and become a paper-free organization!


  • Routing and approvals – automatic routing and approvals give you operational efficiency as well as record-keeping
  • Budget Tracking – Approvers can understand the budget impact of a request before making a decision
  • Control Spending – Gain access to comments and adjustments and track history displayed on the requisition app


  • Send information such as general ledger, item, vendor and currency from Moniroo (Purchase Req. System) to Business Central
  • Create different approval cycles for supervisors and create thresholds
  • Business Central dimensions are supported
  • View account budgets at a glance
  • Receive automatic notifications when purchase requisitions are over budget 

Start your free trial today!

Supported Languages

English, French, and Spanish