Supply Chain Accelerator Packages

Transform data into intelligence to analyze inventory profitability and trends, make wise decisions and drive your business into the future. Our add-on package is a monthly subscription plan that will allow you to take advantage of a library of supportive apps created by WebSan.

Auto Populate Dimensions

The dimensions used in the account entry portion associated with a transaction can be automatically set based on data within the transaction.

Auto Post Date Updates - Purchase

Automatically update posting date to work date when posting Receipt or Invoice from Purchase Order (option to disable on each transaction if needed).

Auto Post Date Updates - Sales

Automatically update posting date to work date when posting Shipment or Invoice from Sales Order (option to disable on each transaction if needed). 

Auto Post Date Updates – Transfer

Automatically update posting date to work date when posting a Transfer Order (option to disable on each transaction if needed).

Automatic Bank Reconciliation Reporting

This feature creates a custom report for the Automated Bank Reconciliation tool. In this report, entries are organized in various categories, including adjustments, and cleared / uncleared transactions, providing an improved view of the bank reconciliation. All the information found in native reports is included in custom reports.

Available to Ship

Displays Sales Order & Sales Quote Lines with available inventory to ship

Bulk Email Scheduler

Users can schedule time to send bulk emails for Sales and Purchase Orders.

CBM added to PO & SO Screens

In Business Central, Item has an available set up for the LENGTH, WIDTH and HEIGHT to come up with its Cubage. This is a useful tool for most distribution companies as they can use this in their planning activities, especially during the delivery of products wherein mostly there is a specific size for the trucks they are using during their distribution. Set up in item unit of measure per item.

Carrier Quote Number on SO & Shipments

Free text field in the Sales Order where you can input delivery/shipment details that will be forwarded in Posted Sales Shipment document.

Display Item Image on Quotes

System ability to Capture Image of the Item(s) transacted in the Sales Quote Print-Out either in PDF or Word output.

Display General Product Posting Group

Native Business Central does not display the general ledger posting when making an entry. This exposes the "General Product Posting Group" to allow users to change the P&L GL posting on a transaction (i.e. Purchase Order, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Credit Memo, Sales Quote, Sales Order, Sales Invoice, Sales Credit Memo).

Duplicate Document Number Posting Prevention

One of the most critical issues in a posted transaction is to avoid duplicate data. To that end, we created a function that prevents sales documents to be posted if the External Document number already exists and is posted. Sample SO that we tried to post with external document number already existing in posted sales invoice.

Expose Document Date on Vendor Ledger Entries

Enhancement in Vendor ledger entries where document date is reflected for proper references.

Inventory Quantity Precision

This option allows users to set and enforce the number of decimal places to be used on transactions for an item. This impacts Sales and Purchasing transactions for an item when entering the quantity, quantity to ship or quantity to receive.

Job Queue Error Notifications

This feature sends email notifications when a job queue fails.

Mandatory Field Identifier

Alter fields on Sales & Purchase documents to require user input. Prevent Release or Posting actions if required fields are not populated.

Mass Payment Application

Import Payment / Cash receipt details from Excel and simultaneously apply multiple entries to Customer and Vendor account types.

MRP Safety Stock Override

Override due date & recommended Quantity of PO's created by MRP while there is safety stock violation.  

Sales Order Number & External Document Number on Sales Shipment

Additional Information in Posted Sales Shipment list, wherein the Sales Order and its External Document No. is reflected as an additional column.

Truck Seal Number on Shipment Order

Additional Information for Truck Seal number in sales Shipment documents wherein it is useful tool to monitor details of the Truck used in the delivery.

Shipment Tracking Info on PO & Posted Purchase Receipt

Free text field in the Purchase Order document that you can use in detailing any shipping information that will also be forwarded and in the Posted Purchase receipt document.

Statistical Data Tracker

Track statistical information & easily maintain non-financial records by making general journal entries to specially marked accounts.

User Activity Tracker

Allows you to see number of records created by users across many of the common entities in BC, and can be filtered by a date range to analyze activity by user over a specified time period. (Can be viewed in BC or exported to Excel) This is critical during a project to ensure users are testing the system.

Accrue Shipping Costs on Sales Invoice

Additional Field in Sales Invoice wherein you can input expected shipping cost that post GL entry to record cost accrual.

Admin Sales Margin

Sets the unit cost on the sales entry to show a custom marked-up value based on a required / default margin. Any sales that drop result in a value below margin notify the user and require a custom approval.

Auto Create Warehouse Shipment from Sales Order

One of the system modifications that automatically creates Warehouse Shipment documents upon Release status of the Sales Order Document.

Auto Drop Ship

An additional field to denote the vendor has been added to the Sales Order Line page. This allows users to automatically create a drop-ship purchase order for each sales line via a custom “Create Drop Ship” button. Data, such as comments, are automatically copied from the sales order line. Further, when the PO is posted, the SO is also posted.

Auto Restocking Fee

An additional feature in Sales Module where there is a set up in the Item Card for Restocking Fee % that automatically reflected in Sales Return Order when such item is selected.

Back Order Auto Creation & Allocation

This feature will automatically reserve inventory that is on a back-ordered sales line based on the shipment date of the sales order using FIFO on the receipts. The feature monitors available inventory in order to continuously reserve inventory until a sales line is fully reserved. All history is maintained and visible on a report or can be emailed to users

Create Back Order from Remaining Quantity

System enhancement that separates back ordered quantity (qty not shipped and invoiced) from original sales order by creating a NEW order with a "-1" suffix to the original order number. NEW sales order shipped and invoiced separately.

Discount Percentage (by Item and Category) by Customer

Business Central feature in Item Card where in you can set up a Discount Percentage by Item and by Item Category.

Freight Cost Accrual

This functionality takes expected shipping costs and splits them into cost accrual entries. The number of entries created, and their accrued costs, depends on the number of lines included in an order and the quantity of items in each line. This functionality works with Sales Orders and Transfers Orders.

Item Reference Rolldown

Automatically apply Item Reference information to open documents

Manufacturer Part Number Add-on

Enable manufacturer part number for a purchased item to be visible on ALL Item screens for lookup, traceability and reporting.

Multi-Currency Aged AR & AP Trial Balance

Uses the document fx rates to ties to the GL when using multi-currency, creating an aged AR and AP trial balance report.

Sale Freight Threshold

Set a threshold below which freight charges are automatically added to the order.

3PL Integration Export of Sales Orders

Customized functionality that has the capacity to export Sales Line Report, which has the ability to filter based on the available parameters.

Customer Pricing on Jobs

This will automatically set prices on a job card based on the price groups in Business Central.

Expected Receipt Date on PO Line

Customized field of Expected Receipt Date under Purchase Order line.

Future Available Qty to Include In-Transit Inventory

Additional customized field in Item Card for “FUTURE AVAILABLE QUANTITY” that computes under Posted Warehouse less Quantity under Sales plus Quantity Under Purchase Order excluding tagged under Drop Shipment.

Qty Available on Item Card to Include PO In-Transit Qty

Additional customization field in item card where it reflects the quantity of the said inventory in INTRANSIT.

Quick Production Orders

This feature creates released production orders, posts a production journal, and marks the production order as finished in a single entry.

PO In-Transit Tracking for Overseas Shipments

Modification in Item Card to Rename PO INTRANSIT to QTY on PO PWHSE.

Restrict Posting Confirmation of Users

This functionality allows to setup posting restrictions in Sales, Purchase and Warehouse documents on a per User ID assignment.

Auto Add Lines on Credit Service Order

This feature provides the action to allow auto add lines on Credit Service Orders.

Create a PO from a Service Order

Users can create a PO from a service order line and reference back to those POs from the service order.


Multi-Currency Aged AR & AP Trial Balance

Uses the document fx rates to ties to the GL when using multi-currency, creating an aged AR and AP trial balance report.

Resource Costs GL Posting on a Service Order

When posting a Service Order to create a Service Invoice, it will automatically post the Resource cost to GL.

Service Order & Invoice Totals

Displays the Service Order and Service Invoice subtotals and totals with taxes on listed pages/windows. (Service Order List Page etc.)

Release Notes: - - May 2023 - May 16, 2023

Minor enhancement - May 25, 2023

Add Manufacturing Lead Time feature - May 26, 2023

Bug fix for Auto Post Date – Sales and Create Back Order from Remaining features - May 27, 2023

Versioning updates - May 31, 2023

Versioning updates - - June 2023 - June 1, 2023

Minor Update - June 1, 2023

Updates to Posting Confirmation Restriction feature - June 2, 2023

Versioning update to sync with German version - June 2, 2023

Updates to work with 3PL - June 2, 2023

Minor Update - June 5, 2023

Versioning update to sync with German version - June 5, 2023

Minor updates for back order feature,19 - June 6, 2023

Versioning update to sync with German version - June 20, 2023

Update to Back Order feature - June 22, 2023

Unit price update to Back Order feature - - July 2023 - July 3, 2023

Fix issue with Line Deletion on back orders - July 14, 2023

Add “MRP - Below Safety Stock” feature - July 17, 2023

Updates to “MRP - Below Safety Stock" feature - July 18, 2023

Updates to “MRP - Below Safety Stock" feature - July 18, 2023 (NA + German Version)

Updates to “MRP Below Safety Stock” feature on calculating lead time for item with multiple SKUs (Different Locations) on suggested requisition worksheet lines - July 31, 2023

Added integration points for Back Order Auto Allocation feature to communicate with other applications - - August 2023 - August 2, 2023

Code fix to carry forward the reservation entries & dates from original order to backorder
Copy the attachments to back orders within the Auto Back Order function - August 25, 2023

Minor update on “MRP Below Safety Stock” feature - - September 2023 - September 18, 2023

App upgrade to BC version 23 - September 19, 2023

Add available to ship inventory to Sales Quote lines - September 25, 2023

Minor updates to features list - September 27, 2023

Code enhancements to carry forward the comment lines from original order to backorder and delete the original order (with/without comment lines) after processing of EDI945 (Ship & Invoice) - - October 2023 - October 2, 2023

Minor data capture fix for detailed bank statement print - October 19, 2023

New feature: Item reference rolldown – Automatically apply Item Reference information to open documents. - October 23, 2023

“Table Security Permissions by User” to only include Enabled users - November 2023 - November 9, 2023

Create PO From Service Order Lines”. Now includes Dimensions from service header & lines being transferred to PO. - December 2023 - December 19, 2023

Minor update on emailing function - January 2024 - January 10, 2024

Exclude Comment line in Mandatory Fields Feature. - - February 2024 - February 2, 2024

Update Routing Line able starting as a new day for Manufacturing Lead Time Feature - February 8, 2024

Auto add lines on credit service orders - February 22, 2024

Fixed Create PO from Service Order feature - March 2024 - March 13, 2024

  • Update Feature MRP Safety Stock Override
  • Adjust view within setup window
  • Adjust Back Order Allocation Enabling - - April 2024 - April 10, 2024

  • Minor update - April 11, 2024

  • Discount calculation is updated when Back Orders are created from Sales Orders. Discount is calculated according to the quantity of Sales Line Item on Back Order - April 16, 2024

  • Add feedback mechanism for users to express how happy they are with the system - April 25, 2024

  • Upgrades are done on Quick Production Order feature to assign Lot No. from Quick Production Order page to Production Journal Item Tracking if the Finished Good (Item) is Lot Tracked - April 25, 2024

  • Added User Sentiment Tracker feature - - May 2024 - May 2, 2024

  • Feature list update - May 7, 2024

  • Updated Quick Production Order feature to resolve issue with incorrect Unit of Measure conversion on Production Journal. Quick Production Order screen excludes Item in dropdown which are blocked - - June 2024 - June 5, 2024

  • Add onboarding page to checklist - June 10, 2024

  • MRP update of Manufacturing Lead Time feature - July 2024 - July 5, 2024

  • Updated MRP Below Safety Stock feature
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