When organizing your business’ data and sorting through multiple categories and headings, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the time-consuming process. Structured Query Language (SQL) used in Microsoft Dynamics GP serves to retrieve information from databases through the use of basic statements and clauses. Here are some SQL features that can help you sort through data quickly in Microsoft Dynamics GP:
- Select clause – Allows you to pull and read data from the database. Often using the Select * format, this statement enables the user to select data from columns and tables such as a list of customers.
- Where clause – Used to filter your list based on a certain condition, such as to specify a customer’s country or location.
- Alias syntax – Enables the user to rename a database table or a column in a table. This function becomes especially useful when there are multiple tables in a query or when column names are long and not easily readable.
- Join clause – Helps to combine and add more columns in your data. The join clause is often used to combine fields from two tables by using values that are common to each.
- Group by clause – Allows you to compress, consolidate and summarize data. This clause is used together with aggregate functions to group a result set into one or more columns.
To learn more about SQL queries and common functions in Microsoft Dynamics GP, register for our online course!
Register for SQL 100 course in WebSan University
Linz Tan, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc. a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service Excellence.