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Fast Times at WebSan Inc.

Not to steal the thunder from a certain 80’s classic film, but times and systems are moving pretty fast at WebSan Solutions Inc. WebSan is proud to announce a new strategic partnership with Allstream Communications - a partnership allowing us to upgrade our data centre infrastructure to include a blazing fast fibre optic link to the internet and our core network.


How fast? Using a twelve strand single-mode fibre optic cable we not only have capacity to meet all of our current needs, but we have enough future capacity to expand into multiple Gigabits of bandwidth, all transmitting at 299,792,458 m / s, the speed of light.


What does this mean for you? Simply, it means faster access to your data - and for some, way faster than if you ran it yourself on premise. It also means dealing with high infrastructure costs and enhancing your technical options are details you and your IT team won’t need to sweat over when you run your environment on our hosted Microsoft Dynamics GP infrastructure. 

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Built In Informational Messages on Login

One of the lesser known setup features of Microsoft Dynamics GP2010 is the ability to have the system pop-up a predefined message box on login advising to the status of an environment.

If anyone has used the fabrikam company, you know what I'm referring to, the modal dialog box that appears advising that this is a demonstration company, etc etc.

There are actually two other message boxes that you can trigger for your own company.

If you navigate to your company setup screen  (Tools--> Setup --> Company --> Company)

You can add two different reserved tags to the end of the Company Name.

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Server Error in /lus Application error on Home Screen

New on the Dynamics GP2010 home screen is the "Connect" window. This widget dynamically populates with Microsoft Dynamics GP support information, user groups and links to general information.

One thing we noticed is with any of our test companies we always saw this error:

Well it turns out this is caused by special characters in the company name.

As many of you know, when you put the tag "<TEST>" into the company name you get a nice warning on login that this is a a test company. See this blog for details...

Unfortunately, the angle brackets cause the URL to the Dynamics Connect site to get malformed.

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Business Portal Identity on Active Directory

We had an interesting support call the other day. One of our Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 customers was having sporadic issues with adding users to Business Portal. When trying to add new users and assign MBF roles, occasionally the wizard would not show any domains in the Windows domain drop down. Other times it would show the wrong domain(s) – this client has a number of trees in their forest, and sometimes it would work fine.

Our support team was perplexed, so we did some investigation to determine how Business Portal interacts with the Windows domain -  the answer was Component Services.

Business Portal uses the “Microsoft.BusinessFramework.Identity” component to interface to AD and thus retrieve the domains and users. By setting the Identity on this component to a specific domain service account you can ensure it retrieves the proper AD info.

From the control panel on the Business Portal server, go to Administrative tools -> Component services.

Then expand Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer -> COM+ Applications and look for the Microsoft.BusinessFramework.Identity component.

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Join the WebSan Team! Here we grow again...

Interested in a career with a dynamic, growing Firm? Check out our open postings: here

We are currently advertising for a PHP developer, but we're interested in meeting talented people willing to join our team.

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