On Thursday, May 28th, WebSan will present a webinar that will feature fascinating Microsoft Dynamics CRM Tactics that can help your business grow. The webinar will highlight the sales area, data that will comprise charts, different types of dashboards and tips on how to use visual data to drive your sales process.
The free webinar will discuss valuable concepts and processes such as the business process flow, global search and goal setting. A rundown of timesaving tips to help users make the most efficient use of their resources when navigating through CRM will also be given in this webinar.
Our CRM webinars have been some of our most requested, so register below to reserve your spot and take part in this webinar!
Register for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Tactics Webinar on May 28, 11 AM EST
Linz Tan, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc. a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service Excellence