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FRx Calculations

For more advanced FRx users, I thought I would cover some calculation formulas that are available for use in FRx.  Much of FRx is fairly self explainable & easily learned with a little exploration.  One topic I had a little trouble with when first learning the system was Calculation Formulas on Row Formats. 

Simple adding & subtracting are fairly self-explanatory.  Simple take the columns to add & place a plus sign between them.  For example, B + C. 

However, did you know FRx can perform complex calculations such as adding & multiplying all at once.  The formula (A+((B+C/2)+(C*.8)/2))+(F TO H) is a valid entry.

IF/THEN/ELSE Statements are another handy tool.  These allow one to build logic into the column.  For example, the formula "IF B>1000 THEN B ELSE C*2" translates to:

If the amount in column B is greater than 1000, place the value from column B in the CALC column. If the value is not greater than 1000, multiply the value in column C by 2 & place the result in the CALC column.

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