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WebSan Solutions Inc. Strengthens Market Presence with Acquisition of Rimrock Corporation's Dynamics GP Customers

WebSan Solutions Inc., a leading provider of cloud-based business software solutions, is thrilled to announce a significant strategic investment in its growth journey by acquiring Rimrock Corporation's Dynamics GP customer portfolio. This acquisition demonstrates WebSan's commitment to expanding its capabilities and enhancing its offerings to bette...

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  1670 Hits

New Feature in Dynamics GP 2020 Release: Schedule Check Links

Microsoft recently released a ton of new financials, distribution, human resources & payroll and system enhancements in their recent October release of Microsoft Dynamics GP. One of the most anticipated features is being able to schedule check links. Users can now set up a schedule to run check links outside of regular business hours. Users will be able to run the processes without having to select the Check Links process manually.

This process uses Report Scheduler setup and functionality as long as Microsoft Dynamics GP is open, and you’re logged into the correct company. To learn more about this feature, click here:


  3902 Hits

Project Types in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Project Types in Microsoft Dynamics GP

The Project Accounting module in Dynamics GP is a very robust application enabling users to monitor the financial results of a project. One of the best features with this module is that it ties in with all the other modules within Dynamics GP. Therefore, if an invoice needs to be posted it can be done in the same system. For a company to use the Project Accounting module correctly it must first understand its current project structure and what is required in terms of KPI’s and reporting. Once this has been decided the company will have to choose the project type to use for this project. There are three types of projects in Dynamics GP:


Cost Plus – Customer pays for the actual project cost plus an added margin percentage

Fixed Price – Customer pays a fixed fee for the project

Time and Materials – Customer is billed for all costs that are incurred on a project

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  5304 Hits

Top Six Reasons to get EDI for Dynamics GP!

If a business wants to be successful in this modern digital world, it must remain innovative. Operating as a fully digital firm goes beyond just having an electronic communication system installed. It’s about running the company using ERP software to streamline the business and create B2B integration. In this new digital era, the demand for B2B integration is on the rise and is turning into a requirement in order to work with most companies.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of business documents. It allows businesses to send documents to one another using an electronic format. This standard template can then be read by different systems to locate information. The most common documents that are sent using the EDI template are purchase orders, purchase invoices, advance ship notices, bills of lading, inventory documents, shipping documents, payment documents, and even some custom ones.

The Benefits of EDI

Reduced Costs
By sending a document using EDI, a company can reduce its costs on printing, reproduction, storage, filing, and document retrieval. This also frees up the individual to focus on more important tasks.

Improved Data Quality
One of the most common areas for human error is data entry. By using EDI to import the data from the document into the system, there is less room for error resulting in better data quality.

Shorter Business Cycle
Companies using EDI will have a shorter business cycle because they receive the documents quicker. A transaction that use to take up to five days to complete can now be completed within an hour. Orders and payments will be processed a lot quicker which will increase the cash flow of the company.

Improved Data Security
EDI is a secure way to transmit data from one computer to another. Encryption and decryption programs along with passwords are used to ensure that the data is safe while being transmitted.

Ease of Auditing
Since EDI is transmitting all the data into the system, there is less room for any errors so therefore auditing will become much easier. Reports can be created for all the EDI transactions and then presented to the auditor, making the whole auditing process quicker and easier.

Strategic Business Benefits
Adding EDI into your current Dynamics GP environment will strengthen businesses and create strategic business benefits. Using digital transactions, businesses can always be up-to-date with all the transactions statuses. This knowledge will help the business to make better and faster business decisions going forward.

Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get started today

  6318 Hits

Can’t miss this: Add the Fixed Assets Module into Dynamics GP & improve asset management.


The Fixed Assets module for Dynamics GP helps your business improve its asset management by automating the accounting processes surrounding your property. You can use Fixed Asset Management, to set up, enter, and maintain asset records. When necessary, you can add insurance and user-defined information and create additional records for each asset, including investment tax credit information and lease information.

Simplify the depreciation process with modification, recalculation, averaging, comparison and projection capabilities.

Capture asset information in multiple books, allowing depreciation to be tracked under different methods for alternative reporting needs.

Provides accurate and accessible information – capture changes necessary for tax and financial reporting purposes.

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  8493 Hits

Key Differences and Comparison: Dynamics GP or Dynamics 365 Business Central

Key Differences and Comparison:
Dynamics GP & Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics GP has been around for over 20 years and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is Microsoft’s newest accounting system. Both systems are geared to manage core finances for small and medium-sized businesses, but they also have some key differences. This webinar will be comparing the differences between Business Central and Microsoft GP, topics will include:

-Financial Reporting
-G/L Account Structure
-Project Accounting

Date:  Wednesday August 22, 2018
Time: 11:00AM - 11:30AM EST


  6320 Hits

Is Dynamics GP Dead?

Is Microsoft Dynamics GP Dead?

Is Dynamics GP dead? For 20 years Dynamics GP has helped business become digital. Rest assured Microsoft Dynamics GP has made its mark in the Dynamics ecosystem, and it’s here to stay. Join our webinar and find out where Microsoft Dynamics GP is headed.

This webinar will cover

-The future of Dynamics GP
-What it means for your business

Date: Wednesday August 29, 2018
Time: 11:00AM - 11:30AM EST

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  5289 Hits

WebSan Solutions Inc. Raises The Bar By Offering Microsoft Dynamics GP On Any Tablet Device.

WebSan Solutions, the largest Canadian Cloud Dynamics partner, offers users the ability to access Dynamics GP on a tablet. Customers now have an alternative way to access and create accounting transactions, without having to log in through their desktop computers.

“We see this as a natural extension of our Cloud Dynamics offerings. No other partner has made the commitment that WebSan has to provide this much flexibility to our customers,” says Andrew King, Managing Director of WebSan Solutions.

As long as there’s an active Internet connection, users would be able to use all of the capabilities of Dynamics GP, which also includes exporting SmartLists to Microsoft Excel with ease. WebSan’s Cloud Dynamics GP solution  allows users to quickly and securely access Dynamics on-the-go using Android, iOS and Windows devices.

An element that makes Dynamics GP on a tablet even more valuable is the feature that lets users print and email documents (i.e. Invoices) on the fly.

The ability to provide access to critical financial information to executives on devices other than a computer is important to a business. Get the insight you need to manage your business and improve the decision-making process by making it portable. 

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  10090 Hits

The 5 Best Dynamics GP YouTube Videos

Everyone has turned to YouTube to gain information, insight and knowledge about everything and anything. Visit WebSan Solutions YouTube channel to watch helpful videos about GP modules. 

WebSan University is bringing knowledge to life by creating a series of interactive online courses through an easy-to-use intuitive system. Who said corporate training has to be boring? Empower your employees with online training!

Join WebSan University    Visit Our YouTube Channel


Top Dynamics GP YouTube Videos

10 Tricks in 30 Minutes – The Top 10 Features of Dynamics GP You’re Not Using and Should Be!

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  11328 Hits

Dynamics GP Project Accounting Webinar Series

WebSan Solutions has launched the Project Accounting Webinar Series, aiming to take your skills to the next level, whether you are a total beginner or an advanced user in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Why do you need Project Accounting?

By taking an ordered and logical approach to your project accounting and training methods, you will be able to cut financial costs to your overall business activity.

Also, through logical project accounting and fundamental organisation techniques, you will be able to quickly see a marked improvement in expenditure and customer satisfaction.

Each month our Project Accounting Webinar Series will cover one of the following topics:

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  8014 Hits

Field Level Security in Dynamics GP

Many companies have a need to grant Dynamics GP users access to a window, but not all functionality within that window.  For example, many clients will want users to be able to input invoices, but not post them individually.  Instead, they will force users to save invoice transactions to a batch such that a manager can review the source documents and post.  An easy way to achieve this is through Field Level Security which allows the Dynamics GP admin to restrict user access to singular buttons within a window (such as the Post button).

To configure Field Level Security, navigate to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > System > Field Level Security

This will open up the Field Level Security window.  Within the window, select Add to create a new restriction.

[caption id="attachment_1442" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Field Level Security window[/caption]

This will open the Field Security Maintenance window wherein one defines a the window and field to restrict.  Within this window, enter an ID and Description for the restriction.  Then select the Product Name, Form Name, Window Name & Field Name using the look-ups within the window.

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  16093 Hits

Learn Dynamics GP on YouTube

Check out our YouTube page for great Dynamics GP Training videos and other informative tips!


Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2013 Canadian Channel Elite Awards Winner.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  9247 Hits

Upgrade Dynamics GP at No Cost!

The Microsoft Dynamics GP Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL) is a group of tools that allow users to improve system capabilities & increase productivity.  Users generally have access to these at no cost but do not take advantage of them.

Within the Finance module, one can Modify Accounts, Fiscal Periods, or Fixed Assets, allowing end users to convert historical records to new records, maintaining the necessary history & without corrupting your database.  Within the Purchasing module, users are able to update / convert vendor records, similar to the above.  Further, users have the ability to set minimum values for payabales cheques or combine cheques where necessary.  Similar updates are available throughout the system, allowing updates to master data records such as salespeople, territories, customers, employees, inventory, etc while maintaining the proper history.  One key feature many users like is the ability to unapply receivables documents, opening them back up for one to enter transactions against.

Ask us about how you can get free access to this wonderful tool today.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2012 Microsoft Impact Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  8279 Hits

Upgrade to Dynamics GP2013

Want to upgrade to Dynamics GP2013 and enjoy all the new system benefits, call WebSan!  We are experienced with Microsoft Dynamics GP2013 upgrades and can help guide you in order to avoid typical pitfalls.  Microsoft is currently supporting Dynamics GP 2010 and 2013.  All users on older versions should look to upgrade immediately to ensure they are supported.


Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2012 Microsoft Impact Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  7933 Hits

Have a Dynamics GP Suggestion?

Do you have a suggestion for an improvement to Dynamics GP.  Let Microsoft know via Microsoft Connect:

Adam MacIntosh is  a Senior Project & Account Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc.

  7528 Hits

Manitoba PST Update

Effective July 1, 2013, the Manitoba government is increasing the PST rate from 7% to 8%.

After this cutoff date, GP users will have to change the tax setup prior to inputting any Manitoba AR / AP invoices.  This change can be completed by navigating to Administration > Setup > Company Tax Details.  Then, select the appropriate tax detail (generally you will have one for Sales and one for Purchasing) and update the Percentage field from 7% to 8%.

[caption id="attachment_1229" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Tax Setup"][/caption]

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our support team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Project Implementation Manager at WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Silver Partner & 2012 Microsoft Impact Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  8012 Hits

Dynamics 2013 Upgrade Useful Information

Hi All

I discovered a couple excellent blog post from two fellow Dynamics community members that I wanted to share.  Both relate to upgrading to GP2013.  At this time, there are still a number of known issues with GP2013 even though Service Pack 1 has been released.  If you are looking to upgrade to GP2013, please contact me via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416 499 1235 ext 213.  In the mean time, I encourage you to review the blog posts below.

Sarah Purdy discusses Modified Dictionary Upgrades:

Chris Bulson discusses Version Checks & Upgrades:

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  8942 Hits

Reduce Overhead and Manual Work with WebSan Solutions Inc.’s Latest Release of its Time and Expense Portal for Dynamics GP.

WebSan Solutions Inc., Largest Canadian Cloud Dynamics GP Partner announced the latest release of its Time and Expense portal for Dynamics GP.

Working with Microsoft Dynamics GP for many years has given WebSan the opportunity to help clients overcome many business challenges. Their latest Time and Expense Portal continues to allow Dynamics GP users to enter time and expenses anytime, anywhere without the typical limitations of Microsoft's Business Portal solution.

Some of the key features that are now included in the latest release are the following:

  • Seamless integration with Dynamics GP database
  • Process timesheets and expenses in an easy to use, web-based format
  • Handle Canadian VAT (value added tax) and US taxes seamlessly
  • Automatic approval workflows for time and expense submission based on $ limits
  • Track days off, holiday and vacation time
  • Purchase requisition approval module
  • Internal reporting for timesheet status, expense reports and history
  • Works with on-premise or Cloud-deployed Dynamics GP
  • SQL Report viewer with self-managed security and ability to export to Word, Excel, PDF or Images
  • Built in user messaging

To see WebSan’s Time and Expense portal in action click the link:

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  8436 Hits

Microsoft Dynamics 2013 Released

The long awaited Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 was recently released right before the holiday season.  The latest version has a number of new features which we have previously discussed in this blog, the most important of which is greater flexibility in terms of deployment.  Also included is RapidStart Services, a tool designed to speed up implementations while lowering project risk.

Contact WebSan Solutions Inc today at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more about Microsoft Dynamics 2013.

Microsoft Dynamics 2013

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Project Manager at WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner offering implementation & support services for large & small firms in a variety of industries.

  8615 Hits

Updated Reconcile to GL Functionality in GP 2013

Accounting staff must always ensure that the general ledger and the sub-ledgers are in balance at all times.  Often, our support team will be asked to assist when they aren’t in balance.  When this occurs, we generally run the Reconcile to GL routine in GP in order to determine the cause.

Dynamics GP 2013 includes a new feature to help reconcile the Bank & Inventory sub-ledgers to one’s General Ledger.  This functionality previously existed for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable sub-ledgers.  Further the Reconcile to GL window now includes both the General Ledger and Sub-ledger balances on it for quick review.  The additional sub-ledgers for reconcile will help ensure customers have a quick and easy way of ensuring their records are accurate.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Project Implementation Manager at WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Silver Partner & 2012 Microsoft Impact Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  8475 Hits