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Future of Microsoft Dynamics GP – Lifecycle Update 2028 & Beyond

In October 2019, Microsoft introduced the Modern Lifecycle Policy for Microsoft Dynamics GP  before this update Dynamics GP was governed by the Fixed Lifecycle Policy which in comparison has fixed end dates for their support. The Modern Policy offers continuous support and servicing, including bug fixes, new features, and the latest tax updates. This highlights the fact that Dynamics GP is not going anywhere soon with the Lifecycle Roadmap showing dates well into 2028 and beyond.


Dynamics GP customers can stay current by choosing at least one of the three all-inclusive Dynamics GP updates, typically released in June, October, and December yearly . The October update normally provides new capabilities whereas the two other updates will typically consist of hotfixes, tax updates, and regulatory updates.


Microsoft Dynamics GP is a powerful on-premises application that has built a huge community over the last 30+ years of Partners and Customers that love the product. Microsoft intends to continue both enhancing and supporting the solution in the future. Upgrading your Dynamics GP system ensures that you have access to new features, in addition to a resolution to any system glitches. Upgrading regularly also provides you with tax compliance, improved security, and more predictable costs.  

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Experience Digital Banking with the EFT for Payables Module for Dynamics GP


In today’s digital banking system, transferring EFT or ACH files to/from your bank has become a key element of any modern business. The EFT for Payables module for Dynamics GP will give your company the ability to automate this process entirely within your existing Dynamics GP environment. Proper utilization of the EFT for Payables module will increase productivity and reduce manual cheque processing.

  • Learn more about the EFT for Payables module for Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  • Eliminate costs associated with postage
  • Stakeholder has grown accustomed to-the convenience of this immediate payment method. 
  • Further, it is more environmentally friendly.
  • More secure than a cheque payment.


Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get started today

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Have you heard of the FREE tools available in the Professional Services Library in Dynamics GP?


The Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL) can be implemented in your Microsoft Dynamics GP environment very quickly. This add-on contains a large assortment of 25+ free tools for any business wanting to increase their business productivity. These modules are listed below;

    • Database Disabler – Allows the administrator to block users from logging into a company. The company will not appear in the list of companies when logging in to Microsoft Dynamics GP until the administrator unblocks the database.
    • Shortcuts Copy – Use this tool to copy the shortcuts options from one user to another user.
    • Update User Date – The Update User Date utility automatically updates the user data in Microsoft Dynamics GP to the next date at midnight each day. This is useful if Microsoft Dynamics GP is left running overnight.
    • Menu Inquiry Utility – Shows windows that are enabled and visible in Microsoft Dynamics GP.


    • Account Modifier / Combiner – Change a single or multiple account number(s) into new account numbers. Combine all of the open and historical data from two account numbers into one number or combine a range of numbers.
    • Checkbook Modifier – Allows the change of an existing checkbook ID to a new checkbook ID.
    • Fiscal Period Modifier – Use the Fiscal Period Modifier to change fiscal year definitions and reset data in the open and history tables. See detailed instructions before using this tool. Clicking on Setup Periods button removes previous year’s definitions.
    • GL Master Triggers – Keep the account numbers in sync between company databases. Add an account number to one database and it automatically replicates to other assigned databases.

    • 1099 Modifier – If the vendor was not set up as a 1099 vendor, can be used to update the records.
    • PM Master Triggers – Adds new vendors to additional selected company databases.
    • Vendor Combiner – Use the Vendor Combiner tool to combine a current vendor ID with another existing vendor ID.
    • Vendor Modifier – Use the Modifier tool to change an existing vendor ID or range of vendors to a new vendor ID. All work, open and history transactions are moved to the vendor ID.
    • Vendor Name Modifier – Use this tool to change the vendor name.
    • Minimum PO\Receipt Number – Stops Microsoft Dynamics GP from looking backward for unused document numbers.
    • POP Cost Defaulter – Defaults the current cost or the standard cost from the item master card instead of from the Item Vendors record.



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Manage all your companies using only one report with Multi-Company Consolidation in Dynamics GP!


Management Reporter provides the flexibility of consolidating financial data across one or multiple organizations in one single report. This report includes a summary (consolidated) report for all companies as well as the option to view a report for each of the companies that you are using on the consolidation.

The simplest method to create a consolidation of all companies is by using a reporting tree. A reporting tree is an optional “building block” that allows you to list all companies to be consolidated. Once the report is generated you will have the option to select any company from the reporting node on the consolidated report.


Viewing Companies Side by Side

The second option for consolidated reports is to show each company side by side. This can also be achieved by defining a reporting tree with all companies and using that reporting tree to assign each company on separate columns.

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