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GP 2010 - Non-Inventoried Items in Service Management

Field Services now allow the use of non-inventoried items.  Service Calls or POs can be entered for non-inventoried items representing labour, expenses or misc charges.  Preventative Maintenance events can even include non-inventoried items.  Contract Administration, Returns Management & Depot Management all now allow the use of non-inventoried items.

Adam MacIntosh is the Senior Implementation Lead with WebSan Solutions Inc., a professional services consulting firm specializing in helping companies get the most out of their ERP systems and Supply Chains. You can contact Adam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 416-499-1235 ext. 213.

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GP 2010 - Further Payroll Integration

Users of US Payroll in Dynamics GP will love the new integration points from other modules within Dynamics GP.

One such integration point is with the Field Services module.  Direct & indirect labour postings that create Payroll transactions can be made in Service Call Management & Depot Management.  This integration allows for Payroll to captures the cost from the employee's pay code into the labor record in Field Service.

A Post to Payroll check box has been added to the Work Type Maintenance & Depot Station Maintenance windows that when selected, enters the value from the window's corresponding Pay Code field, representing an hourly pay code.

  7550 Hits

GP 2010 - Multi Level Service Call Escalation

Service calls can now be escalated to additional managerial levels. The Service Type Escalation window has been modified to include a new Manager Level field.  When a call is escalated, an e-mail to the technician's manager is sent.  This can now be sent to two additional levels of management directly above the technician's manager. One can specify the number of levels to e-mail, including:

  • The manager of the technician on the service call
  • The manager's manager
  • The manager of the manager's manager

The Service Call Escalation window also now supports multiple technicians for each call.

Adam MacIntosh is the Senior Implementation Lead with WebSan Solutions Inc., a professional services consulting firm specializing in helping companies get the most out of their ERP systems and Supply Chains. You can contact Adam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 416-499-1235 ext. 213.

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