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Don’t Get Caught in These Five Major Implementation Problems for Business Central!


Here at WebSan Solutions, we’ve had a lot of hands-on experience when it comes to implementing Microsoft Dynamics Software. From our experience, we’ve gathered five major problems a company would want to avoid in order to succeed in implementing Business Central.

1. Don’t have the IT department and leadership executives make all the buying decisions. Include other employees that will be actively using Business Central from the finance, operations, manufacturing and warehouse departments. They can provide constructive feedback to make Business Central work best with your current business processes. 

2. Give yourself time in the implementation process to go from the decision-making phase to the launch phase. If this process gets rushed, there's a high chance that the project won't be successful. Try implementing Business Central in smaller stages. Rushing the process would only create a lot of unnecessary problems and make employees feel overwhelmed.

3. Implementations, especially the more complex ones, can take up to half a year to be completed. Best practices would indicate that you need to come up with a plan. Putting a plan into effect will set the stage for where the business is headed, reduce any employee confusion and avoid running into problems.

4. If you don't invest in employee training, there's a risk of disrupting the implementation process. The process of upgrading to Business Central can be a frustrating time for employees. Keeping open communication about the implementation status and providing a substantial amount of training creates more involved employees. Make your employees feel more involved with this process and become more well-rounded when it comes to using Business Central.

5. Many companies neglect the importance of testing the newly installed software before the go-live date. Your employees need to test out Business Central before the go-live so they can bring attention to any technical problems and if everything is in working order. By missing this part of the implementation process, the system might not be ready for go-live and could result in an unsuccessful launch.

When it comes to implementing Business Central, there needs to be a plan put into place. If you avoid the five major problems listed above, your business will strive towards a successful implementation.

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