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Emailing Customer Statements

I am constantly searching for ways to help my clients save money & improve performance.  Often the answer includes automating a particular process.  One of such process includes Emailing Customer Statements.  For clients with a large number of customers, the savings can be extensive.  Clients save on paper, ink, wear & tear on printers, envelopes, postage & most importantly, employee time.

Automating the customer statement process is very simple to setup.  First, enter the Customer Maintenance window & click Options.  Enter the email contact for the customer in the ‘To’ box in the bottom right corner of the screen & check the ‘Send Email Statements’ check box.  Now, when creating customer statements, check the ‘Send Email Customer Statements’ under the Email Options heading.

The return on users’ time investment will be realized after the first statement run.   So automate the process of sending customer statements & free up your time for more important tasks.

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