WebSan Solutions Inc. Expands Office Space to Accommodate Business Growth

 WebSan Solutions Inc., a cloud Microsoft Dynamics Certified Partner and IT consulting and solutions provider has moved to a new office that offers a bigger and brighter workspace. The new office space will support a significant expansion of WebSan’s team and the growth that the Canadian company is continually experiencing.

The previous office space that the company occupied had limited space which could no longer support the increase in WebSan’s team. As WebSan continues to experience business growth, an expansion in office space was a natural next step to better accommodate the team’s needs and an increase in new clients.   

Over the past year, WebSan has acquired a substantial number of new clients and particularly strengthened its Dynamics CRM practice.

“Our team is excited about expanding our office space to accommodate WebSan’s growth. The new office space will not only allow us to better serve our customers, but also reflects our progression as a company,” said Andrew King, Managing Director of WebSan Solutions Inc. 

Linz Tan, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc. a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service Excellence

  7314 Hits

The Value of an ERP Assessment

Purchasing ERP software is a major investment for any organization as it is one of the most important technologies used to manage business functions and processes.  For an organization to determine if they are optimizing their ERP software’s capabilities, taking an ERP Assessment will prove to be extremely useful.

An ERP Assessment is used to evaluate the capabilities of an organization’s current ERP system. A valuable ERP Assessment will help determine whether an organization’s team is equipped with the tools and information it needs to function effectively and find out whether or not the organization’s ERP system is meeting the business’s needs.

An ERP Assessment will look into different aspects of the organization, such as system integration, quality of received data, use of Microsoft Excel, budget, and dependence on paper forms and templates.

Understanding how an organization utilizes their ERP system will provide insight into possible opportunities, potential risks, and areas that require improvement.

Take our free ERP Assessment and learn how you can best leverage your ERP software. When you take our free ERP Assessment, you will gain access to our free Dynamics GP and CRM demos and an ERP whitepaper!

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WebSan Offers “Top 5 Features in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015” Webinar

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 was designed to address businesses’ needs to collaborate among different divisions and groups within the organization, and to meet the changing needs of their customers. In line with this release, WebSan will offer a “Top 5 Features in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015” webinar on Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 11 AM EST.

The free webinar aims to offer attendees insight into the key features introduced and understanding of the advantages of upgrading to Dynamics CRM 2015. Some of the features that will be discussed in the webinar include: global search, calculated and rollup fields, hierarchy visualization and nested quick create forms.

This webinar has been one of our most requested training sessions, so register below to reserve your spot and take part!

Register for “Top 5 Features in Dynamics CRM 2015 webinar” on Apr. 30, 11 AM EST

 Linz Tan, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc. a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service Excellence

  6354 Hits

WebSan Offers Part 3 of Manufacturing Webinar Series for Microsoft Dynamics GP

On April 23rd, WebSan will present Part Three of the Manufacturing webinar series for Microsoft Dynamics GP, which will focus on machines, labour codes and work centres. The webinar is a continuation of WebSan’s Manufacturing series, where Part One featured Manufacturing concepts, and Part Two discussed Items and Bill of Materials.

Part Three of the webinar series aims to teach attendees about work centre terms, tips and techniques to assign employees and machines to a work centre, and how to enter, edit and/delete machine records and labour codes.

The Manufacturing module continues to be one of our most popular webinar series, so register below to reserve your spot and take part in this webinar!

Register for Part 3-Machines, Labour Codes and Work Centres on Apr. 23, 11 AM EST

Linz Tan, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc. a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service Excellence

  7432 Hits

WebSan Solutions Makes CDN’s Top 100 Solution Provider list for the Third Consecutive Year

WebSan Solutions Inc., a cloud Microsoft Dynamics Certified Partner and IT consulting and solutions provider, has been recognized as one of Canada’s top 100 Solution Providers in 2014 by Computer Dealer News (CDN). WebSan has over a decade of experience in Enterprise Software solutions, along with business and financial accounting software.

The list was announced on April 15, 2015 at the Top 100 Solution Providers Awards Gala. CDN has been the voice of Canada's IT channel community for more than 25 years and defines an information technology solution provider as an organization that resells computer hardware, software or peripheral products along with providing IT related professional services, support services, or consulting in a cloud or on-demand environment, on-premise fashion or as managed services.

“We are thrilled to be on this list for a third year in a row.” says Andrew King, Managing Director, WebSan Solutions Inc. “We continue to provide small to medium sized business with outstanding support and training and our growth has enabled us to reach this milestone.”

The Top 100 solution providers produce strong growth, and 2014 was no exception. With an above industry norm jump of five percent, the $6.7 billion dollar mark in annual Canadian revenue was reached, according to tabulations from CDN and IDC Canada.

“The CDN Top 100 Solutions Providers is a tough list to get on and to stay on. Each year we see many companies move up and down or even off the list. It demonstrates the great resolve of these Canadian entrepreneurs and the true innovation being developed by this community. CDN believes it’s important to recognize this community for its outstanding work and the CDN Top 100 Solutions Providers list and gala is a great outlet for that,” said Paolo Del Nibletto, Associate Publisher and Editor of Computer Dealer News (CDN), Canada’s No. 1 IT channel publication and Web site.

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5 Useful SQL Features for Microsoft Dynamics GP

When organizing your business’ data and sorting through multiple categories and headings, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the time-consuming process. Structured Query Language (SQL) used in Microsoft Dynamics GP serves to retrieve information from databases through the use of basic statements and clauses. Here are some SQL features that can help you sort through data quickly in Microsoft Dynamics GP:

  • Select clause – Allows you to pull and read data from the database. Often using the Select * format, this statement enables the user to select data from columns and tables such as a list of customers.
  • Where clause – Used to filter your list based on a certain condition, such as to specify a customer’s country or location.
  • Alias syntax – Enables the user to rename a database table or a column in a table. This function becomes especially useful when there are multiple tables in a query or when column names are long and not easily readable.
  • Join clause – Helps to combine and add more columns in your data. The join clause is often used to combine fields from two tables by using values that are common to each. 
  • Group by clause – Allows you to compress, consolidate and summarize data. This clause is used together with aggregate functions to group a result set into one or more columns.

To learn more about SQL queries and common functions in Microsoft Dynamics GP, register for our online course! 

Register for SQL 100 course in WebSan University


Linz Tan, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc. a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service Excellence.

  7647 Hits

Calculated Fields in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015

With the recent release of Dynamics CRM 2015, Microsoft has introduced calculated fields in Dynamics CRM. Calculated fields allow you to define the value of a field using calculations operators or functions. You no longer need a developer on hand to write code, you can now create calculated fields using the CRM user interface. For example, a salesperson might want to automatically apply a discount based on an order greater than “X” dollars. The calculated field would be able to change the value using basic math operations or conditional operations.

Here is an example of a calculated field:

Order Total = ((quantity*unitprice) – ((quantity*unitprice) *Discount%/100)) + ((quantity*unitprice) – ((quantity*unitprice) *Discount%/100) *Tax%/100)

Here are some fields that are considered calculated fields:

  •           Weighted Revenue: Estimated revenue multiplied by probability
  •           Net Worth: Assets subtracted from the liabilities for a given account
  •          Follow Up By: Follow up on an activity by a specified number of days based on priority

The type of mathematic operations that you could use are:

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  7243 Hits

New Features in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Carina’s Spring Release

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is set to see a substantial update this spring, with the release of Carina. This will serve as the first major update to the new CRM 2015.  Although an exact date for its release is yet to be determined, CRM users and partners are abuzz with the features and added functionality that Carina promises. Here are some notable features that can be expected:

1. Enhanced Excel Integration

The new update will allow Excel users to open their data in spreadsheets within CRM. This serves as a valuable feature for quick visibility and analysis of data, and eliminates any compatibility issues that may arise should you have a different version of Excel installed.

2. OneNote Online Integration

Users can now take notes, create voice memos, capture photos and clip web pages from any mobile device (such as iPads or Android phones) and attach them to CRM using OneNote.

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WebSan Solutions Offers Dynamics GP On Any Tablet Device

WebSan Solutions, the largest Canadian Cloud Dynamics partner, offers users the ability to access Dynamics GP on a tablet. Customers now have an alternative way to access and create accounting transactions, without having to log in through their desktop computers.

“We see this as a natural extension of our Cloud Dynamics offerings. No other partner has made the commitment that WebSan has to provide this much flexibility to our customers,” says Andrew King, Managing Director of WebSan Solutions.

As long as there’s an active Internet connection, users would be able to use all of the capabilities of Dynamics GP, which also includes exporting SmartLists to Microsoft Excel with ease. WebSan’s Cloud Dynamics GP solution  allows users to quickly and securely access Dynamics on-the-go using Android, iOS and Windows devices.

An element that makes Dynamics GP on a tablet even more valuable is the feature that lets users print and email documents (i.e. Invoices) on the fly.

The ability to provide access to critical financial information to executives on devices other than a computer is important to a business. Get the insight you need to manage your business and improve the decision-making process by making it portable. 

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  7545 Hits

WebSan Solutions Inc. Raises The Bar By Offering Microsoft Dynamics GP On Any Tablet Device.

WebSan Solutions, the largest Canadian Cloud Dynamics partner, offers users the ability to access Dynamics GP on a tablet. Customers now have an alternative way to access and create accounting transactions, without having to log in through their desktop computers.

“We see this as a natural extension of our Cloud Dynamics offerings. No other partner has made the commitment that WebSan has to provide this much flexibility to our customers,” says Andrew King, Managing Director of WebSan Solutions.

As long as there’s an active Internet connection, users would be able to use all of the capabilities of Dynamics GP, which also includes exporting SmartLists to Microsoft Excel with ease. WebSan’s Cloud Dynamics GP solution  allows users to quickly and securely access Dynamics on-the-go using Android, iOS and Windows devices.

An element that makes Dynamics GP on a tablet even more valuable is the feature that lets users print and email documents (i.e. Invoices) on the fly.

The ability to provide access to critical financial information to executives on devices other than a computer is important to a business. Get the insight you need to manage your business and improve the decision-making process by making it portable. 

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  9718 Hits

Customize your Menu Bar in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013

The menu bar in Microsoft Dynamics GP helps a user to easily manoeuvre around Great Plains. To optimize this feature, you can benefit from modifying and adding commonly used buttons in the menu bar. You can add buttons that fall under a variety of categories such as Financial, Sales, Purchasing, Inventory and Manufacturing.

In the menu bar, right click to add buttons:

Users are not limited to the default buttons presented in Great Plains. Buttons can be customized depending on the features that your business will need. 

To customize a button, right click on “Customize,” then choose the “Main” option and click “Add” to follow along the menu path to select which button you’d like to add. 

To learn more about Microsoft Dynamics GP’s capabilities, download our FREE interactive demo!

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  8372 Hits

Month End in Microsoft Dynamics GP

There are many articles that can be found detailing year-end processes in GP, but what about your month-end processes?  Dynamics GP uses a ‘soft’ close concept wherein periods are not required to be closed.  Further, periods can be reopened if needed.  However, performing a month-end is critical to ensuring you can move forward within your system without any fear of inaccuracies.

Prior to performing any special or unfamiliar processes, it is always recommended that users have a proper backup of the system.  Your system administrator should ensure backups are regularly scheduled and available if needed. 

It is recommended that the month-end process start with the POP and SOP modules.  One can think of both of these modules as feeder modules to Payables, Receivables, Fixed Assets, Bank Reconciliation and the General Ledger.  In these modules, you should ensure all batches are posted within Series Post.  Ensure all Customer Orders, Vendor Receipts and everything in between are posted.  Further, within Purchasing, one should print the Received Not Invoiced report via Reports > Analysis.  This report should tie to your accrued purchases. 

Once the above are reconciled, one should move onto the Payables and Receivables module.  For each, users should ensure all documents are properly applied, especially if multiple currencies are in use, as this will affect realized gain and loss entries.  Users can check for unapplied documents by navigating to Sales > Reports > Analysis > Unapplied Documents Report.  Further, users should also run the Reconcile to GL option within Financials in order to ensure these subledgers and GL match.  The same routine should be performed for the Inventory module.

Once all subsidiary modules are complete, uses should close out the Financial modules.  First, users should complete bank reconciliation and reconcile the Bank to the GL via the associated Financial Routine.  Users can then move onto closing the Fixed Assets module.  Remember to ensure Payables are closed prior to processing anything in Fixed Assets given the Payables feeds the Fixed Assets module.  Within Fixed Assets, users need to double check that all additions and retirements are posted.  Depreciation will need to be run and all related GL processes complete. 

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  18019 Hits

Why Choose Microsoft CRM Over The Competition?

Businesses looking for a Hosted Dynamics CRM solution are driven by key needs that include: Integration with third party marketing automation software, a holistic view of each customer on the go, and a need to increase productivity without increasing costs.

So what makes Dynamics CRM stand out from the rest? Here are a few reasons why Dynamics CRM is right for your business:

  • Focuses on critical factors for building long-term customer relationships, such as Sales Automation, Customer Service and Marketing Excellence.
  • Familiar Microsoft interface that makes the system easy to use.
  • Native Microsoft Outlook client and embedded Microsoft Office features.
  • Access anywhere, anytime, using a web browser, a tablet or directly within Microsoft Office Outlook.
  • Customization options allow the system to adapt to your business needs and then continue to grow along with your organization.
  • Automation features, such as workflows, increase your employees' productivity and reduce errors.

If you are interested in viewing Microsoft Dynamics CRM in action, download our free interactive demo!

Natalie Williams, Marketing Manager, WebSan Solutions Inc. a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service Excellence.

  6627 Hits

WebSan Presents Part 2 of Manufacturing Webinar Series for Microsoft Dynamics GP

On February 19th, WebSan introduced a new webinar series to put a spotlight on the Manufacturing module of Microsoft Dynamics GP. Part one focused on Manufacturing concepts, where attendees learned basic Manufacturing terms and were given tips to help make implementation successful. The webinar was well-received and generated good feedback from the attendees. Part two of the Manufacturing webinar series offers a look into the Items and Bill of Materials (BOMs) module and includes a discussion of item classes, position numbers, Manufacturing accounts, BOMs entry and inquiries.

The Manufacturing module has been one of our most popular webinar series, so register below and take advantage of this free webinar!  

Register for Part 2-Items and Bill of Materials on Mar. 26, 11 AM EST

Linz Tan, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc. a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service Excellence

  6706 Hits

The Value of an ERP Implementation Service

An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system helps integrate processes which are essential to a business, including accounting, inventory, order management, human resources, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Today, an increasing number of both big and small to mid-sized organizations use ERP software to help streamline processes and information across the organization and integrate these functions into a single, complete system.

Software Advice, a trusted resource and advisory firm for software buyers recently conducted a study that analyzed the purchasing behaviour and implementation concerns of 250 prospective ERP software buyers. The study reveals that 54 percent of current ERP users are dissatisfied with their systems’ integration capabilities—this is one of the main reasons why many are seeking out a new ERP system.

ERP Implementation and Support

The study notes that 24 percent of buyers want to replace their current ERP software due to a lack of technical support. Forrest Burnson, the study’s main researcher, says, "It's critical for firms to carefully assess how capable they are in selecting and implementing a new ERP system. All too often there is a disconnect between a firm's expectations and what the vendor will actually provide in terms of implementation services and continued support. As ERP systems are significant investments, it is wise for prospective buyers to seek the help of a third party consulting firm if they're unable to do all of the due diligence in-house to ensure that the selection and implementation processes go smoothly.”

What WebSan Solutions Can Offer 

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  8421 Hits

Top 5 Benefits of Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Your Business

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a fast, flexible and reliable CRM solution that helps manage customer information across different functions such as Marketing, Sales and Service. Here are the top 5 ways Microsoft Dynamics CRM can benefit your business:

1.Integration with Microsoft Office and Office Outlook

Microsoft Dynamics CRM easily integrates with tools like Microsoft Word, Excel and Office Outlook. With the system’s familiar and user-friendly interface, employees can efficiently pull information and gain quick access to the data they need.

2. Adaptable Dashboards

The dashboards feature adapts to job functions and each user’s preferences providing a real-time, overall view of business areas from lead generation, pre-sale to customer service. Users can also customize dashboards depending on the functionality that is most needed. 

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WebSan Reaches 50,000 Views on YouTube

WebSan's YouTube account began in 2012 to showcase training and webinar videos featuring Microsoft Dynamics GP and CRM. Today, our YouTube account has more than 50,000 views. We're sending a big thank you to our YouTube subscribers and viewers. Without your support, we wouldn't be celebrating this milestone!

Here are our top 2 most viewed videos:

Stay up to date with our new videos by subscribing to our YouTube channel.

Linz Tan, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc. a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service Excellence

  7276 Hits

WebSan Reaches 50,000 Views on YouTube

WebSan's YouTube account began in 2012 to showcase training and webinar videos featuring Microsoft Dynamics GP and CRM. Today, our YouTube account has more than 50,000 views. We're sending a big thank you to our YouTube subscribers and viewers. Without your support, we wouldn't be celebrating this milestone!

 Here are our top 2 most viewed videos:

 Stay up to date with our new videos by subscribing to our YouTube channel.

Linz Tan, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc. a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service 

  858 Hits

WebSan University Introduces Microsoft Dynamics CRM Training Courses!

WebSan Solutions is taking their Dynamics curriculum to the next level, by offering training in Dynamics CRM!

We’ve received a lot of praise from the Dynamics community for our GP course catalogue, so we decided to create a CRM training catalogue.

Our Learning Management System provides you with interactive material, such as videos, tests, documents as well as video conferencing that will accelerate the process of learning Microsoft Dynamics.

Get trained in WebSan University and gain the skills needed to help your businesses automate their customer relationship management.

At this time we have the following courses available: 

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  7760 Hits

Top 3 Reasons to Purchase Microsoft Dynamics GP


To run a successful business, it is important to create cohesion among your data. Microsoft Dynamics GP allows you to do just that by providing flexible, easy-to-use business management functionality that can help efficiently manage your data and business system. Here are the top 3 reasons why you should consider purchasing Microsoft Dynamics GP: 

1.Simplicity and Adaptability

Dynamics GP can easily integrate with other Microsoft productivity tools such as Microsoft Office, giving your business the ability to boost productivity and gain quick access to valuable information. Dynamics GP’s adaptable features help support your business’ needs by offering capabilities that can be used through email, instant messaging, voice and in the cloud.


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WebSan Solutions is a Gold Certified Microsoft Partner

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Microsoft Canada Impact Award

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WebSan is a Microsoft Solutions Partner

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