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Upgrade Dynamics GP at No Cost!

The Microsoft Dynamics GP Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL) is a group of tools that allow users to improve system capabilities & increase productivity.  Users generally have access to these at no cost but do not take advantage of them.

Within the Finance module, one can Modify Accounts, Fiscal Periods, or Fixed Assets, allowing end users to convert historical records to new records, maintaining the necessary history & without corrupting your database.  Within the Purchasing module, users are able to update / convert vendor records, similar to the above.  Further, users have the ability to set minimum values for payabales cheques or combine cheques where necessary.  Similar updates are available throughout the system, allowing updates to master data records such as salespeople, territories, customers, employees, inventory, etc while maintaining the proper history.  One key feature many users like is the ability to unapply receivables documents, opening them back up for one to enter transactions against.

Ask us about how you can get free access to this wonderful tool today.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2012 Microsoft Impact Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

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