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Upgrade Dynamics GP at No Cost!

The Microsoft Dynamics GP Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL) is a group of tools that allow users to improve system capabilities & increase productivity.  Users generally have access to these at no cost but do not take advantage of them.

Within the Finance module, one can Modify Accounts, Fiscal Periods, or Fixed Assets, allowing end users to convert historical records to new records, maintaining the necessary history & without corrupting your database.  Within the Purchasing module, users are able to update / convert vendor records, similar to the above.  Further, users have the ability to set minimum values for payabales cheques or combine cheques where necessary.  Similar updates are available throughout the system, allowing updates to master data records such as salespeople, territories, customers, employees, inventory, etc while maintaining the proper history.  One key feature many users like is the ability to unapply receivables documents, opening them back up for one to enter transactions against.

Ask us about how you can get free access to this wonderful tool today.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2012 Microsoft Impact Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  8217 Hits

Upgrade to Dynamics GP2013

Want to upgrade to Dynamics GP2013 and enjoy all the new system benefits, call WebSan!  We are experienced with Microsoft Dynamics GP2013 upgrades and can help guide you in order to avoid typical pitfalls.  Microsoft is currently supporting Dynamics GP 2010 and 2013.  All users on older versions should look to upgrade immediately to ensure they are supported.


Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2012 Microsoft Impact Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  7875 Hits

Take Advantage of our HST Tool-Kit

[caption id="attachment_254" align="aligncenter" width="748" caption="HST Tool-Kit"][/caption]

Did you know Directors of corporations can be held personally liable for un-remitted HST!?!

Be ready for the new HST!  Contact WebSan now to take advantage of our HST Cut-Over Tool-Kit.

Over our many years of experience with Microsoft Dynamics GP, we have developed a proven implementation methodology for companies both large & small.  Get the job done right the first time!  Let us help you with HST upgrades:

  • Update company-wide sales & purchasing tax options
  • Set tax settings for specific grouping of customers or vendors
  • Ensure appropriate sales items are taxable or not

Adam MacIntosh is the Senior Implementation Lead with WebSan Solutions Inc., a professional services consulting firm specializing in helping companies get the most out of their ERP systems and Supply Chains. You can contact Adam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 416-499-1235 ext. 213.

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Get Ready for GP 2010

GP 2010 is coming soon!  Over the next while we will be previewing some of the new features.

Also, join us during our upcoming webinar featuring the top 10 new features.

  7090 Hits

Why do so many technology projects fail? - Part I

The truth about large-scale technology projects is that the majority of them actually fail. In fact, studies show that 65% of them fail!

If IT projects were airplanes, no one would ever get on one! So why do so many companies venture down that road and why do so many fail?

Here's the answer to the first part of that question : because, to remain competitive in today's market, you have to leverage the benefits of technology. Performing every function of the company manually, or with Excel, is just too time-consuming and costly to be competitive.

The problem is that as companies grow, employees literally invent processes in order to accomplish tasks. These processes are mainly work-arounds to "get around" inefficiencies in the current ERP system or other people in the company. The fundamental issue occurs when a new ERP system is installed and merely automates inefficient, manual, processes.

So how do we ensure that projects are successful?

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Why do so many technology projects fail? - Part II

I've been involved in IT and Supply Chain projects all over the world. I've seen projects achieve all of the objectives, come in under budget and ahead of schedule. I've also seen projects fail to achieve the benefits they set out to, or even outright fail to even work.

And what's the #1 difference between success and failure?

Executive Sponsorship

When I am contacted by a prospective client to discuss a new ERP system, I always make sure that the first meeting includes key decision makers. You may say, "well of course! You don't want to sell to someone who isn't authorized to make the purchase." And you'd only be 1/2 right...

The real reason that the key decision maker needs to be in the very first meeting is because if they aren't "driving the bus", then everyone will end up under it. What I mean is that technology projects are complicated and fraught with challenges just by their very nature. If someone at the top of the organization isn't driving the success of the project, then it will not work. It may finish, albeit over budget and over schedule, but I can almost guarantee that it won't meet the business objectives set at the beginning.

Sometimes a CFO or CEO looks at me funny during the first sales meeting because I've refused to meet with the "IT guy" and insist on meeting with them as well. After I explain the reasoning behind it and start the Q&A session that is outlined in the "Unlock Your Potential" program, they are always heavily engaged and demand to be significant contributors along the way. This is because we create value right at the very first meeting and if there is no significant ROI demonstrated right at the beginning for them, then it ends right there. No one is wasting time.

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  7807 Hits