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How to Install and Configure Power BI Template Reports in Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central provides a seamless integration with Power BI, allowing businesses to gain real-time insights from their financial and operational data. Power BI Template Reports make it easier to visualize key metrics, track trends, and make data-driven decisions. Whether you're analyzing sales performance, tracking inventory levels, or managing financial reports, these templates offer a streamlined way to interact with your Business Central data.

This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing, configuring, and sharing Power BI Template Reports within Business Central. By following these instructions, you can ensure your reports are properly set up, accessible to the right users, and optimized for business insights.


Before installing Power BI apps for Business Central, ensure that:

1. You have a Business Central online environment (pre-configured to integrate with Power BI).
2. You have the necessary Power BI entitlements and permissions, including:
  • Permission to install template apps from AppSource.
  • Access to shared workspaces.
3. Each company within a tenant has its own separately installed Power BI app.
4. You have a Power BI Pro license for:
  • The user installing the template app.
  • The user refreshing the data.
  • Each user accessing the reports.

Step 1: Install the Power BI Template App

To install a Power BI template app for your chosen module, click the corresponding link:

Installation Process:

1. Click the installation link for your chosen module.
2. Sign in to Power BI.
3. Click "Get it Now" and follow the prompts.

4. Once installed, refresh the Apps page in Power BI to make the app visible.

Step 2: Configure the Power BI Template App

1. Open the installed Power BI app.
2. A yellow notification bar will appear at the top—click on it.

3. Enter the Environment Type and Company Name (ensure accuracy).

4. Authenticate using OAuth2 and sign in with your Office 365 credentials.

5. The data refresh will begin to sync Business Central data with the Power BI report. Depending on the dataset size, this process may take some time.

6. Rename the workplace for clarity:
  • Click Workspace Settings in the top-right corner.
  • Navigate to the General tab.
  • Rename the workspace (including the company name is recommended).

Step 3: Share the Power BI App

1. Navigate to the installed App Workspace.
2. Click the three-dot menu (...) next to the app and select "Edit".
3. Click "Go to Workspace".

4. In the top-right corner, click "Manage Access".

5. Click "Add People or Groups" and enter the individuals or security groups who should have access.

Recommendation: Use Entra Security Groups to simplify access management and permissions in Business Central.

Step 4: Configure Power BI in Business Central

Critical Note: The following one-time config must be completed per company (#2 below), per App Report (#4 below)

1. Access the Business Central environment and the specific company you are planning to setup. Search for "Power BI" and choose the "Power BI Connector Setup" option.

2. Fill in the Date Table Configuration options.

3. After configuring the Date Table, you'll see a list of available template report options. Click on the App Report you're configuring and apply any necessary filters.

4. Click the three-dot menu next to the report and select the appropriate Power BI App Workspace based on your company and app. Business Central will prompt you to confirm that you have a valid Power BI license. This is why renaming the Workspace was important as it can be difficult to identify the correct workspace.

5. Once configured, Power BI reports will be accessible under "All Reports" in Business Central.

By leveraging these reports, businesses can gain a clearer understanding of financial performance, sales trends, and operational efficiencies. The ability to customize and share these reports ensures that key stakeholders have access to the most relevant data at all times. With proper setup and maintenance, Power BI can become an essential tool in your Dynamics 365 Business Central environment, streamlining reporting processes and improving overall data visibility.

Taking the time to correctly configure your Power BI template reports will pay off in the long run by providing accurate, up-to-date information for strategic decision-making. As your company grows and evolves, Power BI's flexibility allows you to adapt and expand your reporting capabilities to meet new business challenges. Whether you're tracking KPIs, forecasting trends, or optimizing operations, Power BI integrated with Business Central is a game-changer for data-driven success. Contact WebSan Solutions Inc. today to ensure you're making the most of your data-driven insights.

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