Quick Create Forms, Data Entry Simplified!

One of the most common tasks for users in Dynamics 365 is entering data. Often users are required to enter data while on the call with a potential client or customer. Opening a new form and having to switch back and forth between screens can eat up valuable time for you and your client. It can also cause the user to lose focus and forget important information. Quick create forms give users a way to capture key information quicker and with less distractions.

To deploy quick create forms for your D365 environment, simply follow the steps below and you will be on your way to creating a more efficient data entry screen in no time.

Firstly, to use quick create forms you must enable it on the entity level. To do so, go to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System.

In the customization window navigate to the entity you wish to create the quick create form for and confirm that the ‘Allow quick create’ box is checked, otherwise select it to enable this feature.

Now that this has been enabled, go to the entity’s form section > click new > pick quick create form. This will open the quick create form editor.

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  11142 Hits

Dynamics Integration With O365 Productivity Tools Webinar



Dynamics Integration With O365 Productivity Tools Webinar

Join our webinar on “Dynamics Integration with O365 Productivity Tools“ happening on Wednesday June 27, 2018 at 11:00AM – 11:30AM EST. See how your business can become more productive using the O365 suite and integrating it within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Seamless communication with out of the box solutions including,

Power BI
Microsoft Teams
Office Lens

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  4515 Hits

See what matters most with Dynamics 365 Dashboards

Creating views and charts are a meaningful way to analyze and visualize your data, but they often live in multiple entities in Dynamics 365, and truth be told, you probably overlook or do not use them to their fullest potential. Custom dashboards in D365 give you the ability to pull together a variety of views and charts into one place, providing you a single stopping point to easily view metrics which span multiple entities.

Dashboards can be made up of views, charts, web resources and iFrames, allowing you to build your own collection of business intelligence metrics.

There are two types of Dashboards which can be created, system dashboards and personal dashboards. System Dashboards are created by a System Administrator or System Customizer, and are available to everyone in the organization. Personal Dashboards are those that a User can create for themselves, and are only viewable by that User (or Users they “share” the Dashboard with), and what this blog will focus on.

Creating a Personal Dashboard

You can create a personal dashboard by going to the dashboard area of Dynamics 365, and selecting an existing Dashboard and performing a “Save As” or create a new one. You are presented with layout choices, select one and click Create.

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  14773 Hits

Create charts in Dynamics 365 to make your data pop!

Leave the spreadsheets to your data analysts, and appreciate the effectiveness that charts provide. Dynamics 365 comes with a handful of charts out-of-the-box which you can pair with corresponding views to surface data visually. Like most companies, you likely have unique measures which the standard charts do not account for. That is where the flexibility and ease of creating your own charts in D365 shines. Dynamics 365 provides a variety of chart types allowing you to create column, bar, pie, funnel, and many more chart types, to fulfill your business needs.

Charts interact with the view which is chosen, and the data reflected in the chart is refreshed when you toggle between views. So, if viewing My Opportunities, the chart will depict that information, if you switch the view to All Opportunities, the Chart will change to reflect the data of the newly selected View. Similarly, you can switch Charts to display the View data in another way.

There are two types of Charts which can be created, system charts and personal charts. System Charts are created by a System Administrator or System Customizer, and are available to everyone in the organization. Personal Charts are those that a User can create for themselves, and are only viewable by that User (or Users they “share” the chart with), and what this blog will focus on.

Creating a Personal Chart

To create a chart, navigate to the entity (Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities…) for which you want to create a chart and choose the view which best demonstrates the data you want to visualize. Click the charts pane to expand this section.

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  12216 Hits

Find what you need, and only what you need with Dynamics 365 Views

The records you store in Dynamics 365 typically share some association with other records of the same type. Whether it be leads owned by a specific user, accounts of the same relationship type, contacts located in a specific city, opportunities created in last “X” days. The list is endless and limitless. With a little planning, you can create Views which automatically filter records for you based on the criteria you set.

So, what are Views in D365?

Views display all the records of a specific entity type in your D365 environment. Out-of-the-box you are provided with a variety views, but you can add to these, creating custom views which are significant to you. Clicking the drop-down arrow next to a view name reveals all the views you have at your disposal.

There are two types of Views which can be created, system views and personal views. System Views are created by a System Administrator or System Customizer, and are available to everyone in the organization. Personal Views are those that a User can create for themselves, and are only viewable by that User (or Users they “share” the view with), and what this blog will focus on.

Creating a Personal View

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  9955 Hits

Create D365 Quick View Forms in 3 Easy Steps

Quick View forms are a great way to view information from different entities while remaining on a single record. Quick view forms enable you to surface data from associated entities and display the data in read only mode on the form. This is done through linking the two different entitles together using a lookup field. Below you’ll learn how you can setup your own quick view form in just 3 easy steps.

1. Create a Lookup field

The first step in setting up a quick view form is to ensure you have a lookup field to the entity where the data is stored. If you do not already have a lookup field created, you will need to create one. To do so, go to Settings > Customizations on the navigation bar and select Customize the System.

Next navigate to the entity you wish to add the lookup field to, and thereby surface the Quick View form on. Click the Fields node, and create a new field.

Once you click new, the following pop up window will appear. Indicate a display name and change the data type to Lookup and select the entity you wish to associate to. Once that is done, click save and close.

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  13722 Hits

Get Ready, Get Set, Get Marketing with Dynamics 365 for Marketing!

Get Ready, Get Set, Get Marketing with Dynamics 365 for Marketing!

Have you heard the buzz that Microsoft has launched a new marketing application, Dynamics 365 for Marketing?! The target market for this solution is small to medium-sized organizations who require an end to end marketing solution. Large organizations need not count themselves out, this solution has a little bit of everything. Join us for this session which will serve as an introduction to one of the newest Microsoft product offerings.

• Dynamics 365 Out-of-the-Box Marketing vs Dynamics 365 for Marketing
• What comes with Dynamics 365 for Marketing
• Navigating the Application
• Standout Elements of the Application

Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Time: 11:00AM EST – 11:30AM EST


Crystal Williams, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc.,a 2017 Microsoft Modern Marketing Innovation Award Winner

  4399 Hits

Five Reasons Why You Need A Payroll System

Five Reasons Why You Need A Payroll System

It takes a lot of time to keep track of the total hours worked by employees, stay up-to-date with tax preparation and update employee profiles. It’s time to get a new Payroll system if the HR department can’t keep up with daily operations. Here are five reasons why you need a payroll software.

1. Save Time: Payroll can be very strenuous with the mass amount of operations needed to keep everything in order. Calculating hours, tax preparation and employee data maintenance can take multiple hours to complete when it's done manually. Investing in a good payroll system will allow information such as direct deposits pay, up to date tables, and even updating your general ledger to be automated.

2. Reduces Human Error: When businesses manually enter employee wages, there is always the possibility of human error. Use a payroll system to reduce human error is and save the company money.

3. Always Up-To-Date with Taxes: When tax season is approaching it can take hours to ensure that all information that has been entered manually is correct. Payroll systems will always have the tax tables up-to-date, so your business will always be compliant without the added stress.

4. It is secure. One of the most essential features that a payroll system needs is security. Payroll contains very sensitive data, which is kept confidential and can be stored away safely in the cloud. The only person who has access to this data is granted permission through role assignments.

5. Easy Integration: It is important to have your systems talk to each other. Your ERP system and payroll system go hand in hand. Payroll software can easily be integrated with well-known systems such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Microsoft Dynamics Business Central is an all in one system that allows businesses to work digitally and became scalable. Insight Works has developed a Canadian Payroll add-on that integrates with Dynamics 365 Business Central. Join our Canadian Payroll with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Webinar to learn how their system makes the whole process of employee administration and finance much easier.

Date: Thursday, May 24, 2018

Time: 11:00AM EST – 11:30AM EST

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  7229 Hits

Effectively Brand Dynamics 365 with Themes

You can now brand your Dynamics 365 environment! Themes allow you to apply your distinct logo and color scheme to your Dynamics 365 environment. Three simple clicks and you are well on your way to a D365 environment with a look all your own.

1. From the Navigation Bar, select Settings

2. Select Customizations

3. Select Themes


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  10836 Hits

Tools Your Business Can't Live Without: The Only Accounting Guide You'll Need Part Two


In-Depth Cash Flow Analysis and Forecasting

Having enough cash flow to keep your business going is a primary focus for a business owner who wants a successful business. That's why we developed a series that will provide you with all the accounting tools you'll need to run a successful business. In this webinar, the following topics will be covered.

  • In-Depth Cash Flow Analysis
  • Cash-Flow Forecasting

Time: 12:00PM EST - 12:30PM EST
Date: Thursday May 24, 2018


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  4389 Hits

Canadian Payroll With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

WebSan Solutions Inc. will host a webinar in collaboration with Insight Works about Canadian Payroll in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Registrants will be introduced to the features and functionalities of the system. Registrants will learn how D365 Payroll simplifies the payroll process and automates their business, by exploring the following features:

  • Employee Timesheets
  • Manage Employee Details
  • Bank Integration
  • Direct Deposit or Cheque Payments
  • General Ledger Integration
  • Up-To-Date Tax Tables
  • Security
  • Privacy
  • Back-Ups
  • ESS (Employee Self Service)

Time: 11:00AM EST - 11:45AM EST
Date: Thursday May 24, 2018


Crystal Williams, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc.,a 2017 Microsoft Modern Marketing Innovation Award Winner

  5146 Hits

Sub-grids in Dynamics 365 - Everything you need in one place!

Wouldn’t it simplify things if you could go to one record and see everything you need to see? Ever find yourself heading into a meeting, and wish you could quickly “ramp up” on all interactions with the Customer? Getting the total picture in one place, enabling you to see every touchpoint, this is the benefit that sub-grids afford you.

One of the great things about Dynamics 365 is that it allows you to customize entity forms to display the information most relevant to your business. You will quickly find that providing your users with the ability to see, at a glance, a subset of related records when viewing a lead, contact or account record provides immeasurable value.

For example, your salespeople may benefit from seeing all tasks related to an account directly on the account record. Instead of having to navigate to a separate page or running an advanced find query, you can easily set this up by adding a task sub-grid to the account form.

To add a sub-grid to your account form, open the D365 form editor directly from the account record’s ribbon menu or by opening the general customizations menu, navigating to the account entity forms, and selecting the account main form.

Once you’re in the form editor, select the section that you want to add the sub-grid to, switch to the form editor’s Insert tab, and click the Sub-Grid button.

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  21398 Hits

Less options, more results with Dependent Option Sets in Dynamics 365!

Ever have the problem of scrolling down a long list of options only to miss what you were looking for? What if there was a way to limit your option choices based on values previously selected? Well now there is!

Dependent options in Dynamics 356 gives users the ability to filter down a long list of option values to just a handful of choices based on previously selected parent fields. This feature dynamically updates the options users see based on pre-set business logic.

Take the following transpiration data model as an example.

Traditional Option Set

Traditional option sets simply display all the options for each field without any consideration for previously selected option values. This method is cumbersome when it comes to long lists and can feel very redundant when looking through lists where some of the options obviously shouldn’t be there based on previous values selected.

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  7301 Hits

Field Mapping - The Solution to Redundant Data Entry

Isn’t it maddening to fill out the same fields, with the same info, when creating a child record directly from its parent form? Well -- Stop Doing It! Let the system fill out those fields automatically for you, instead of eating up your own time on it!

One of the “quiet” features of Dynamics 365, that will significantly save you time and protect data integrity, is Field Mapping. The purpose of field mapping is to copy certain values (e.g. address fields) from a record to an associated record (e.g. a contact created from an account)

The following details how simple it is to create field mapping relationships.

In Customizations, locate the Account Entity, and go to the “1:N Relationships” node.

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  7370 Hits

Take Social Selling to the Next Level with Dynamics 365 and LinkedIn Sales Navigator Webinar

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is an enhanced social selling tool which learns from your behaviors and preferences to recommend viable prospects. Not only that it also feeds you information which can help you enhance your current connections, and give you insight into new potential connections. Partner this tool with Dynamics 365, and you are off to the races, providing you with integrated tools which allow you to have all the information you need in one place.
Topics of Interest:
· What is LinkedIn Sales Navigator
· Leverage the feature set of LinkedIn Sales Navigator
· CRM Widget - Company and Member Profiles embedded in D365 records
· CRM Sync - Bi-Directional Sync between D365 and LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Date: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Time: 11:00AM EST - 11:30AM EST


Crystal Williams, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc.,a 2017 Microsoft Modern Marketing Innovation Award Winner

  4884 Hits

Assets = Liabilities + Equity

Assets = Liabilities + Equity

At the end of the company’s reporting period, a snapshot is taken of the company’s financial health. A balance sheet allows owners to get a glimpse into the company’s financial standings. The balance sheet is one of the three primary financial statements that business owners use. It allows owners to get a glimpse into the company’s financial standings and see what the company’s financial position is. It shows what assets are owned, which liabilities are outstanding, and any equity that has been made.

Assets are the things companies own and are categorized into two categories; current and non-current assets. Current assets are defined as cash and any other asset that will be turning into cash within the company’s operating cycle. Assets are the top part of the balance sheet and will be listed in the order of liquidity. Liquidity meaning that this item can be turning into cash quickly. An example of what order current assets would appear on the balance sheet is; cash, temporary investments, accounts receivable, inventory, supplies, and prepaid expenses.

Non-current assets are not intended to be turned into cash with the company’s operating cycle and are what the company owns. They’re the fixed assets such as office equipment, building property, land, long term investments, stocks and bonds.

Liabilities are financial contracts that require a payment of cash for compensation. Liabilities are also categorized into two categories; current and non-current liabilities. Current (or short term) Liabilities are obligations that are to be paid within 12 months or expected to be paid off within its normal operating cycle. Some examples of current liabilities are accounts payable, wages, and rental payments.

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  5636 Hits

Meet Advanced Find. Your Search is just Beginning.

Ever had your boss ask you to pull a report which meets a specific set of criteria or sat scratching your head trying to pull up a record, but could not recall the exact details? With Advanced Find in D365, you can find exactly what you are looking for in just seconds. Advanced Find is the most powerful and robust tool in Dynamics 365 for searching. Using intuitive, user friendly features, you can quickly create queries and search your entire D365 database with ease.

At first glance Advanced Find may appear a bit intimidating, however once you become familiar with it, you will find yourself using it all the time, and wonder how you ever worked without it.

Continue reading to learn everything you need to know to get started using Advanced Find today!

The Advanced Find button is simple to locate, no matter which screen you are on, because it is housed in the D365 navigation bar.

Once you click on the  Icon, a window like the following will appear.

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  4860 Hits

Should you hire a bookkeeper or an accountant?

Has your business grown to the point where it’s too much for you to handle your own finances? If this is the case, you must be wondering if it would be better to hire a bookkeeper or an accountant. Gaining a better understanding of both professions will help paint a better picture of who you should hire. Both positions will be responsible with managing your finances, but each one will contribute differently to the company’s accounting objectives.

Bookkeeping is more of the administrative role of the company’s accounting process but is still a key component. Daily tasks include collecting and sorting, through the receipts and invoices then inputting the required data into the general journal. The bookkeeper would have to maintain the general ledger on a constant basis and monitor the ongoing finances of the business. Additional responsibilities for the bookkeeper are but not limited to;

Recording Transactions
Processing Invoices, Receipts, Payments
Processing and Maintaining Payroll System
Reconciling Accounts and Preparing Reconciliation Reports
Managing Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
Calculating HST
Preparing and Lodging BAS
Tax Preparation

Bookkeeping is only half of the accounting process. An accountant helps business owners make better financial decisions. The accountant has a more of an analytical position and will create reports based on past financials performances. These reports are generated from the financial reports that the bookkeeper has created during a specific time. Their accounting certification (CPA, CGA, CMA, CA) and strong financial background makes them best suited to provide feedback and advice for the company’s future objectives. Other responsibilities of the accountant are but not limited to;

Financial Projections
Future Financial Elements
Preparing Adjusting Entries
Preparing Company Financial Statements
Analyzing Costs of Operations
Business Establishment Assistance
Financial Management Advice
Taxation Advice and Planning

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  5148 Hits

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Voice of the Customer Webinar



Microsoft Dynamics 365 Voice of the Customer – Reach Out and Engage Your Customers

Measure Satisfaction. Improve Customer Relationships. Gauge Customer Needs. The Voice of the Customer Solution for Dynamics 365 provides these capabilities, and so much more! Through the creation of surveys, connect with your customers to gain insight into how they rate your support; understand their needs to align with product offerings; measure feedback on conference attendance; gauge interest on topics; enlist product testers…the list is endless for how surveys can be utilized. Along with surveys, the Voice of the Customer solution enables you to measure the feedback which is returned and provides various functionalities for action to be taken.

This session will focus on the following:

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  5164 Hits

Dynamics NAV Manufacturing Series Part 7 Webinar

This webinar is a continuation of the Dynamics NAV Manufacturing Series. In Part 7, we will discuss the following;

  • Variance reporting
  • Labor reporting
  • Dashboards and insights
  • Power BI
  • Variance reporting
  • Labor reporting
  • Dashboards and insights
  • Power BI

Date: Tuesday March 20, 2018
Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm EST

Click Here to Sign Up For The Webinar Today!

  5903 Hits
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