The benefits of using a Time & Expense Management System

You may think that tracking time and expenses to optimize your team and satisfy your clients is an easy, routine task. The truth is that tracking staff’s timing and expenses is about making insight-driven decisions a key part of your business culture and day-to-day activities.

Usually, a new company will start small by tracking employees’ hours in an Excel spreadsheet or even in traditional, handwritten records. As your client portfolio grows and your team gets larger, your time management needs to change. Whether you are an accounting firm, an IT consulting company or a bank, there will come a point where you will need to better take advantage of your resources and track your revenue and costs.

A lot of times, people consider buying a time management system an unnecessary expense. In fact, the effectiveness of it in tracking, analyzing and reporting on employee’s timekeeping, outweighs its cost. Today’s software options focus on web hosted portals with reporting and time tracking features, as well as various options for recording expenses towards clients and projects. You can also bill an employee’s time at various rates depending on the client and the tasks to be performed.

Therefore, a time and expense management system helps you to better leverage your employee time and keep track of how you utilize your resources. As you build an historical database, the better you plan and manage, thus the more revenue you generate

WebSan Solutions offers a robust, out of the box Time & Expense Management System that keeps track of your employee’s time and expenses easily. Moreover, its unique project management features will monitor your projects and your costs efficiently.

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3 Interesting Cloud Computing Statistics

Cloud computing has become a huge trend in the last five years; IDC has predicted a 130% increase in cloud computing by 2016. There are so many benefits to moving to the cloud that companies cannot resist anymore. For example, companies prefer a subscription payment model because they only pay for how much data they need. Cloud computing recovery services have been a cost-effective way to back up your whole company. Also, security is improving all the time; there is continuous effort to provide cloud computing companies with top quality safety structure. Here are three interesting cloud trends to watch which could help boost cloud computing in the long-term:

  1. In a study done by Gartner, they predict the size of the cloud computing market could reach $150 billion in 2013.This is not a surprising number due to the excitement and benefits that cloud computing can offer businesses in the long run. An on-premise solution looks less appealing as the cloud computing market thrives.
  2. Mimecast did a statistic based study and found that 7/10 companies using cloud services will move new applications to the cloud. Only 70%? Have you heard the saying “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”? This means some businesses are still skeptical about moving to the cloud. However, based on trends, they will probably move their applications to the cloud sooner or later.
  3. Gartner also predicted that 60% of server workloads will be virtualized by 2014.This was not news to me because of the number of benefits you get in return. You don’t need to purchase hardware; you can reduce your carbon footprint and lower your energy costs. This is a great way to save money in the long run. At WebSan Solutions, you have access to your data, through our secure network, in our SAS70/SSAE16 certified data centre.

To see what our business accounting software can offer you visit our website.

To read more about different cloud computing statistics click here.

Natalie Williams, Marketing Coordinator,WebSan Solutions Inc., a Canadian Certified Microsoft Partner

  9753 Hits

Reasons why SMBs should Move to the Clouds

Business owners have many decisions that they have to make. From hiring employees to how the business should operate. Choosing the most efficient technology is not always priority number one. With the rise of software-as-a-service (SaaS), business owners have taken advantage of what SaaS has to offer. If you are still on the fence about switching to a cloud-based solution, make sure you take the following reasons into consideration.

The software is affordable

Business owners sometimes don’t have the extra funds to deploy a new system. The cloud is a fantastic solution because it’s less expensive than any on-premise system. You pay a lower subscription and maintenance cost and don’t require additional software and infrastructure.  For instance, Cloud hosted Dynamics GP is a robust, cost-effective business software that could meet your business needs.

Do you wonder how much it  would cost? Try our three step quote generator for instant results!

You can get started right away

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Dynamics 2013 Upgrade Useful Information

Hi All

I discovered a couple excellent blog post from two fellow Dynamics community members that I wanted to share.  Both relate to upgrading to GP2013.  At this time, there are still a number of known issues with GP2013 even though Service Pack 1 has been released.  If you are looking to upgrade to GP2013, please contact me via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416 499 1235 ext 213.  In the mean time, I encourage you to review the blog posts below.

Sarah Purdy discusses Modified Dictionary Upgrades:

Chris Bulson discusses Version Checks & Upgrades:

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  8486 Hits

Data Security in the Cloud

The most arguable myth about cloud ERP solutions refers to organizational data not being as secured as in an on-premise solution. In fact, SaaS security and privacy of data has proved to be customers’ biggest concern.

The top 4 most important issues about data security in the cloud are:

1. Your data storage location

This issue is related to the physical location of the data. When it comes to cloud ERP vendors, their data centers are housed in multimillion dollar facilities and have a 24/7 security all year long. After all, most cloud providers are actually better with physical security than an onsite solution vendor because they don’t have a lot of staff hanging around the facility. Thus, they are able to control physical access to various parts of the office space.

2. Who has access to your data and when

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  8774 Hits

Manitoba PST Update

Effective July 1, 2013, the Manitoba government is increasing the PST rate from 7% to 8%.

After this cutoff date, GP users will have to change the tax setup prior to inputting any Manitoba AR / AP invoices.  This change can be completed by navigating to Administration > Setup > Company Tax Details.  Then, select the appropriate tax detail (generally you will have one for Sales and one for Purchasing) and update the Percentage field from 7% to 8%.

[caption id="attachment_1229" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Tax Setup"][/caption]

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our support team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Project Implementation Manager at WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Silver Partner & 2012 Microsoft Impact Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  7521 Hits

We Put our Heart into the 26th Annual Ride for Heart

Yesterday 13,000 cyclists headed out on the two major Toronto highways, Gardiner Expressway and Don Valley Parkway, in this year’s Becel Heart & Stroke Ride for Heart.

Despite the bad weather, this year the event raised a record of $5.5 million, which is $500,000 more than it did in 2012.

Here at WebSan Solutions Inc., we strongly believe in the value of community and we were thrilled to take part in the Ride for Heart and help towards funding more research that extends and saves lives.

We had a great time and we are proud that we contributed to the eradication of heart disease and stroke.

See you all again next year!

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  7147 Hits

Tips & Tricks: Incrementing a number with padded zeros in SQL

Incrementing an integer in SQL is easy; all you have to do is + 1 to the value. However, incrementing a number that has padded zeros is a little trickier, since it is probably a string value and not a number. Luckily with some type conversions, it becomes just as easy as incrementing an integer.

First thing you want to do is to get the length of the string, so you know how many padded zeros to add. You can do this by using the LEN function:

1. SELECT @Length = LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(@Num)))

It is also a good idea to trim the value just in case there are extra spaces.

Next we can increment the number.  Now we can't just do a + 1 to the value since it’s a string and doing a + 1 to a string would just concatenate the 1 to the end of the string.  So let’s convert the string to an integer:

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  12666 Hits

Big Data and Business Intelligence (BI)

Nowadays business professionals have access to a vast variety of technologies and sources of information. Big data is growing fast as organizations devote technology resources to tapping the terabytes of data flowing into their organizations and externally in social media. Thus, a major challenge has come up recently: how to leverage Big Data analytics and improve business performance by using current Business Intelligence (BI) practices?

The current thinking around big data and business intelligence tends to be built around a very simplistic model. You acquire lots of data, in all kind of formats, from a myriad of sources, apply some business intelligence and get your answer to the above question. However, executives thinking that a big data dive is all they need to exploit conclusions are mistaken. While big data might be getting ahead of itself in enterprise promises, you need to think about the skills you have in your company and develop the relevant data skills to adapt to this new model. At the same time, BI kills the need to develop, administer and analyze this huge amount of corporate data. Therefore, big data and BI can be integrated within the business context for better, faster decision making.

Keep in mind, though, big data can make or break a company. Integrating advanced analytics for big data with business intelligence systems is an important step toward gaining full return on investment. That is, BI systems and advanced analytics can be highly complementary; the latter ones can provide the deeper, exploratory perspective on the data, while BI systems provide a more structured user experience. In addition, BI systems’ richness in data visualization and reporting can be vital to making advanced analytics actionable.

The first step to understanding big data is collecting all of your data into powerful, integrated solutions. The second step is to identify correlations with your data to make improvements in your operations and find new opportunities. Microsoft Dynamics GP Business Intelligence (BI) module provides people with the insight they need to take quick action and pursue opportunities. What is more, using a single software solution, like Microsoft Dynamics GP, will make it easier for you to find and use the important business data you need to drive your business forward.  The more efficiently you use this data, the faster you can respond to new opportunities.

At the end of the day, while big data is a hot term, it doesn't mean much unless you can complement them with BI systems and expand their power. Thus, big data can be very helpful if you can wade through it to obtain meaning, i.e. they always have to make sense. It's not enough to gather accurate and timely data. Professionals need powerful and user friendly BI analysis tools to help them understand context and trends. You need to focus on evolving your BI approaches and integrate them with big data analytics to fuel faster and more accurate decision making. In this way, you will be able to gain a competitive advantage by understanding how big data can supplement the outcomes already achieved through “traditional” BI.

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  10630 Hits

Go from Great Pains to Great Plains with MS Dynamics GP

Today companies struggle with a volume of information that has the force of a tidal wave. You can either float or sink into that wave, depending on whether or not you can leverage the exponential growth of business data.

The current thinking around big data though, tends to be built around a very simplistic model. According to that, you acquire large amounts of data in lots of formats from various sources. Then apply some business intelligence into that mix and get your solution. However, this data has to make sense and be as simple as possible.

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  7322 Hits

Web Based Dynamics Reporting

Need access to your Dynamics GP data on the go?  Not able to manage your team while outside the office?  Access your Dynamics GP data from anywhere using the WebSan TEX Portal.  With two layers of security, staff can view GP Reports from anywhere they might be.  Now your staff can have access to the information they need, whenever they need it!

For more information about WebSan's TEX Portal or Dynamics GP services, please contact Adam via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Project & Account Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc. A Microsoft Dynamics Silver Partner and a CDN top 100 solution provider for 2012.

  7547 Hits

Time Off Requests

With the May Long Weekend just a couple days away, many friends and coworkers are taking time-off to be with family.  WebSan has recently release a new Time-Off Request module to our TEX (Time & Expense) Management System for Dynamics GP.

The Time-Off Request module is a new optional add-on allowing staff to request paid or unpaid leave for vacation, jury duty, etc.  Non-working days (typically weekends), holidays (i.e. Christmas, Easter) & time-off reasons are configurable by company.  Employees can then send requests to their manager for approval which automatically integrates into their time sheet submission.  A company-wide calendar is maintain for viewing & enhanced time-off reporting is now available with this added functionality.

For more information about WebSan's TEX Portal or Dynamics GP services, please contact Adam via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Project & Account Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc.  A Microsoft Dynamics Silver Partner and a CDN top 100 solution provider for 2012.

  8480 Hits

BYOD Could Provide Tremendous Increase in Employee Satisfaction

According to Webopedia, BYOD (Bring your own device ) refers to employees who bring their own computing devices – such as smartphones, laptops and PDAs – to the workplace for use and connectivity on the corporate network.

Employees want to have the ability to work anywhere using their own device. Work flexibility is one of the key elements required in order to recruit good talent and increase employee retention.

Companies are reporting a reduction in employee turnover because BYOD and work shifting are able to bring more employee satisfaction, compared to any other motivational strategies that companies have traditionally implemented.

Employees prefer close workplace proximity and people generally choose their work based on commuting time and convenience, so working from home or anywhere else other than the office can lead to a tremendous boost in satisfaction.

A particularly good way to protect your company’s data is to implement a virtual environment within the device.  Employees can work and access all relevant data, but no data is ever actually saved within the device; both applications and data are cloud based, with the device simply serving as a portal.

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  10151 Hits

Switch to the Cloud and Reduce your Costs

Organizations across all industries are increasingly looking to the cloud as a way to help boost their productivity, revenues, returns on technology investments and customer satisfaction. It is important to realize that cloud enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are not easier to implement or use than on-premise systems. However, when implemented properly, cloud ERP system software can save organizations a lot of money. These cost savings come in the form of reduced IT staffing and reduced hardware expenditures. In general, these are the two most common benefits that organizations refer to as reasons for switching to the cloud.

Before your organization decides the transition to the cloud, it is vital to consider the amount of effort required for the implementation. Cloud ERP implementations are not easier than traditional ones. The most common problem is poor cost estimation and is likely related to the lack of an appropriate framework for enterprise-wide prepackaged software maintenance, which of course requires an ongoing relationship with the software vendor. Moreover, you should keep in mind that all typical issues, such as organizational change management, adoption and use of new business processes are always an obstacle, no matter what ERP solution you choose.

Therefore, whether you are implementing an on-premise or cloud-hosted ERP solution, operational improvement is achieved only through guidance from a highly experienced implementation partner, proper resource allocation and executive commitment. To realize cost savings from cloud ERP, organizations should also budget for all essential components, including everything from organizational change management to business process re-engineering (BPR).

Here are 3 tips for maximizing cost savings with cloud ERP software:

  1. Know your Requirements – You should gather all the requirements and complete Business process mapping (BPM) before the implementation so that your organization can select the ERP solution that best fits your business.
  2. Partner with the Right People Cloud ERP software requires an IT Partner with unique skill sets. Look for a Vendor who has experience in your industry and has a number of references.
  3. Understand the Costs – When evaluating ERP vendors, consider the total cost of ownership (TOC) and not just upfront costs. Remember that TOC is like an iceberg, which means a lot of the costs are usually hidden.

If you incorporate all of the above tips in your strategy, it will not only save money on upfront infrastructure costs but it will most definitely realize cost savings in IT staffing, licensing fees and annual maintenance. These fees only escalate the longer you wait, thus plan to engage in organization change management and business process re-engineering (BPR) early in the project.

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WebSan Solutions has been featured in the Globe and Mail!

Each week, the Globe and Mail seeks out expert advice to help a small or medium-sized company overcome a key issue. WebSan’s challenge was: How can WebSan persuade its clients to take training and implementation more seriously while preserving good business relationships?

We had three experts give us advice, and they came up with the following:

Make a case

Spend time with the senior management of its clients to press the importance of both sides adhering to the original training schedule.

A different financial solution

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  7176 Hits

ExtJS 4 Keeping Store Loads to a Minimum

When creating a user interface, you always want it to feel smooth and fast as you can, and any time that the user is left waiting on the system decreases the appearance of how fast your system is. Delays on web applications can be caused from things such as processing lots of data, to constantly requesting new data from the server. It’s the latter case that I’m going to look at today and show a method that can reduce the amount of times you request data from the server.

For a working example, say we have a registration screen that is asking for the user’s country and province/state that they live in. Both fields could be simple text boxes, but it’s a little bit nicer if you provide combo boxes that give the user a list of options to choose from.

You probably want the list of provinces/states that you show to be dynamic based upon what country they select. So your province/state combo box will likely have an event listener that looks like this:

Above is a simple listener that listens for when the combo box expands (when the user opens the combo box to view the choices), and when it does that, it gets what the country combo box is set to, sets it as a parameter, and then retrieves the list of provinces/states from the server based on the selected country.

So if they select a country, and then open the combo box for the province/state, it will load up the list properly. The problem is that if they open the combo box for the province/state again, it will request the list from the server again, even if the country selection hasn’t changed.

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WebSan Solutions makes CDN Top 100 Solution Provider of 2012 list

WebSan Solutions Inc., a cloud Microsoft Dynamics Certified Partner and IT consulting and solutions provider,  has been recognized as one of Canada’s top 100 Solution Providers in 2012 by Computer Dealer News (CDN). WebSan has over a decade of experience in Enterprise Software solutions, business and financial accounting software.

The list was announced April 16th, 2013 at the Top 100 Solution Providers Awards Gala. CDN is the voice of Canada's IT channel community for more than 25 years and defines an information technology solution provider as an organization that resells computer hardware, software or peripheral products along with providing IT related professional services, support services, consulting in a cloud or on-demand environment, on-premise fashion or as managed service.

“WebSan Solutions Inc. of Toronto makes the CDN Top 100 Solution Providers list this year and with that they join an exclusive club of the best technology minds in the country. WebSan really made a name for itself this year by offering cloud services based on Dynamics GP. They are part of a group of young and up-and-coming cloud specialists that CDN has noticed on the Top 100 list over the last few years,” said Paolo Del Nibletto, editor and associate publisher of CDN – Computer Dealer News, Canada’s No. 1 IT Channel Publication and Web site.

“We are very pleased to have made the list this year.” says Andrew King, Managing Director, WebSan Solutions Inc. “Our relentless focus on customer service and growth has enabled us to reach this milestone. More and more small to medium businesses our choosing our Cloud Dynamics GP Accounting solution for ease of use and cost every day.”

To view the list of the top 100 Solution Provider click here:

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  6968 Hits

WebSan Solutions makes CDN’s Top 100 Solution Provider of 2012 list

WebSan Solutions Inc., a cloud Microsoft Dynamics Certified Partner and IT consulting and solutions provider, has been recognized as one of Canada’s top 100 Solution Providers in 2012 by Computer Dealer News (CDN). WebSan has over a decade of experience in Enterprise Software solutions, business as well as financial accounting software.

The list was announced April 16th, 2013 at the Top 100 Solution Providers Awards Gala. CDN is the voice of Canada's IT channel community for more than 25 years and defines an information technology solution provider as an organization that resells computer hardware, software or peripheral products along with providing IT related professional services, support services, consulting in a cloud or on-demand environment, on-premise fashion or as managed service.

“WebSan Solutions Inc. of Toronto makes the CDN Top 100 Solution Providers list this year and with that they join an exclusive club of the best technology minds in the country. WebSan really made a name for itself this year by offering cloud services based on Dynamics GP. They are part of a group of young and up-and-coming cloud specialists that CDN has noticed on the Top 100 list over the last few years,” said Paolo Del Nibletto, editor and associate publisher of CDN – Computer Dealer News, Canada’s No. 1 IT Channel Publication and Web site.

“We are very pleased to have made the list this year.” says Andrew King, Managing Director, WebSan Solutions Inc. “Our relentless focus on customer service and growth has enabled us to reach this milestone. More and more small to medium businesses our choosing our Cloud Dynamics GP Accounting solution for ease of use and cost every day.”

To view the list of the top 100 Solution Provider click here:

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New Features in Office 2013 that benefits Small to Medium Businesses

The last release of Microsoft Office was in 2010, now three years later Microsoft unveils their new “sleek appearance” and features with Office 2013. The new appearance coincides with the Windows 8 look; they’ve added better functional improvement and links to SharePoint and SkyDrive.

There is the option of purchasing the software separately or getting Office 365 for your business. Still questioning if it’s time to upgrade? Here are some features that I’ve done research on that might change your mind.

Do you find that your desktop applications are taking up too much space on your hard drive? Microsoft has introduced SkyDrive Integration with Office 2013. Office 2013 is designed to integrate with the cloud using SkyDrive and SharePoint. That’s a big benefit to SMB if you prefer to store your documents in the cloud. If you're still skeptic about the cloud, you still have the option of saving files on your local drive.

Do you find that you are always on the go and can’t bring your laptop with you all the time? When business is booming you might find yourself all over the place, with no time to sit at a desk. But using Office 2013/Office 365 you will be able to view your documents online using a PC, tablet or WebApps. This feature makes it easier to pick up where you left off working, even if you open the file on a different device than you last used.

Do you have trouble using Excel? Do you need to use Excel to create charts and monitor sales? Excel 2013 has a new feature called Recommended Chart which you select the data to chart and click Insert > Recommended Chart to see options such as line, bar, and pie charts that the program recommends for your data. Click each chart to preview what your data will look like in that form.

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Perceptions about Cloud ERP

When there’s a question that needs an answer, we are quick to Google it to find a solution. If you wanted to inform your boss about the benefits of moving to Cloud ERP, how would you go about it? Just remember your trying to convince someone that might need more convincing than your average person because of the magnitude of the move. So make sure you clear up some of the perceptions they might have beforehand to ensure the best results.

Here are a few perceptions that you might come across:

1. Cloud ERP Software is only for small businesses

Cloud ERP Software is for all types of businesses from small to large companies. Moving to the cloud was more popular for SMBs because it was easier to convince them of the value and impact that it could have on their business. With larger businesses, there were more hurdles to overcome and more people to see before they were convinced. Some benefits of Cloud ERP for any type of business include:

  • The cloud is everywhere. So it doesn’t matter if you’re a Multi-National company or a mom and pop shop. Cloud software can serve remote offices without the addition of more servers and IT staff.
  • Cloud security has advanced greatly. Companies can guarantee your data is always secure. Here at WebSan Solutions we have a secure network, in our SAS70/SSAE16 certified data center.

2.“Cloud” and “Hosted” are the same thing

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