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There are a number of recorded issues with Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 and 2010 when attempting to reference VBA code on 64-bit machines. Both Office 2010 and Crystal Reporting are known culprits in causing this issue to occur, as their installations update some system registry keys for VBA 6 incorrectly. Office 2010 references VB7, thus it should not be affecting keys it does not require. Registry Keys are used by the system as container objects, similar to folders, that can store values or further keys. If the value of a registry key is changed without the knowledge of an application that references its value, problems can arise. This would be the case for the VBA 6 file not being found.
I recently had a client of whom we were aiding implement an on-premise installation of GP and needed to deploy the software, along with any customized forms and reports we had designed, to a dozen workstations. After completing the deployment steps without any issue on the first three workstations, it was not until the forth that the system administrator eventually encountered the “File not found: VBA6.dll” error. The error can occur either on login to GP or when accessing custom VBA code through ‘Modifier’, if installed. Upon discussion, I was told that both Office 2010 and Crystal Reporting resided on the machine (Crystal was later removed, however the effects its installation has on registry keys can remain even after its removal).
To resolve the issue, there are two steps that need to be confirmed and/or completed to allow GP to properly reference the system dll:
(NOTE: Making changes to system registry keys is only advisable for advanced users, as incorrectly performing any steps can corrupt the system if care is not taken. Contact your system administrator for help.)
1. Ensure that Dynamics GP is not running.