Careers @ WebSan

Join our growing & diverse team at WebSan.  We have a number of positions currently available & offer a wide range of benefits.

See our Careers page for more information.


Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2013 Canadian Channel Elite Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.


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  8720 Hits

Who said Corporate Training has to be Boring

Wouldn't you like to look sharper than your competitors? Then training is what makes your employees stay within your company or stand out from those at another.

Corporate training is an extremely valuable resource because it gives your employees a sense of empowerment. Once you invest in programs to help them enhance their skills and boost their knowledge they will feel better about working for your company. In turn, this fact will improve company retention rates and is an excellent motivational tool.

WebSan University is taking corporate training to a whole new level by offering live, instructor - led online courses. For more information on WebSan University and our upcoming course Microsoft Dynamics GP General Ledger, visit our website or contact us here.

Doriana Kote, Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc., a Channel Elite Awards Finalist for 2013

  8246 Hits

Free ERP Assessment

Want to learn how better management of billable hours can help you become more profitable?  Contact us to get a free assessment of your financial accounting software!


Want a Demo of Dynamics GP.  Request one for free!

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2013 Canadian Channel Elite Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  8154 Hits

Using Checklists in Dynamics GP

In October 2009 I wrote a blog about using Checklists in GP.  I find this blog is still useful today as I have clients wherein turnover has forced the need to document processes within the system.  Checklist are the perfect tool to allow these processes to be documented.  See my blog below:

Lots of us make checklists for a variety of tasks from grocery shopping to complex projects.  Microsoft Dynamics GP offers built in checklists in the Routines section of every module that can help walk users through a diverse range of topics.

Once you have accessed the appropriate Checklists window, ensure the frequency is appropriate for the checklist you are about to create.  Click Add to create a link to a Microsoft Dynamics GP window.  Name the checklist item & select the appropriate in the Command (Dynamics GP window).  Once your list is complete, order the items appropriately by using the Up & Down buttons.  Now every time a user performs this particular task, all they are required to do is click the checklist item in order & populate the fields with new data.

Checklists are particularly beneficial when turnover is an issue or roles require extensive training.  Two tasks I recommend clients create checklists for are performing payroll & completing year-end.  Mistakes made performing either of these functions can have wide-reaching effects.  In my next blog, I will cover a few tasks that should be on your year-end checklist.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2013 Canadian Channel Elite Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  12595 Hits

WebSan Solutions Inc is nominated as a Finalist in 5 Categories for CDN Channel Elite Awards 2013

This year we are honored to be selected as a finalist in 5 categories for the Channel Elite Awards 2013. Every year IT Solution Providers are recognized from the Canadian Dealer News (CDN) for their innovation, leadership and commitment to creating value for their customers.

WebSan Solutions Inc. is running as a finalist for the following 5 categories:

  • Provider of the Year
  • Best Small Business Solution
  • Best Mid-Market Solution
  • Best Enterprise Solution
  • Best Service Organization

The winners of this year’s Channel Elite Awards will be announced at the awards ceremony on September 11th, 2013 in Woodbridge, Ontario.

We are proud of our team and the amazing work they do.

Wish Us Luck!

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  6983 Hits

New Installation Tip - Invoice Alert

Dynamics GP allows users to enter invoices through a number of different methods.  When first accessing the invoicing windows in GP, users will often encounter a system alert warning them of the fact that they have multiple windows with which to enter the data.  Without intervention, this warning will always appear for users moving forward.

To get rid of this warning, run your GP Utilities (from your Start menu).  In the Additional Tasks window, select the ‘Remove SOP and Invoicing message’.  Proceed to uncheck ‘Warn in Sales Order Processing’ & ‘Warn in Invoicing’.  When complete, the warning will be gone forever.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2013 Canadian Channel Elite Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  7751 Hits

Why Doesn't my GL Match my Sub-Ledger?

Many times, usually around month-end, I will get a call from a client that has a mis-match between their sub-ledger balance & their General Ledger.  The first thing I will ask them is whether or not all batches in their Financial Series Post are posted.  You can see from the screenshot below that GP will automatically create a number of batches in the Financial module after transactions have been posted in the Sales or Purchasing modules.  Company configurations can vary, however, in general, a transaction posted individually in a subsidiary ledger will have to also be verified & posted in the Financial Series Post before it will affect the GL.  Most transactions that are saved in the Financial Series Post have already affect the appropriate sub-ledger but NOT the General Ledger.

I advise clients to clear out all entries in the Financial Series Post daily to ensure accurate reporting and to be able to deal with any issues as they arise.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2013 Canadian Channel Elite Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  13040 Hits

Bring Your Own Cloud trend arises

We have all heard about the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) phenomenon in which employees bring their own computing devices to their work, such as their laptops, tablets or even smartphones to complete their job tasks more conveniently. Now Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) is arising and reshaping the world of IT management.

Bring your own cloud is a concept about employees being allowed to use public or private third-party cloud services to perform certain job roles, according to techopedia. Many of the services are web based and cross-platform with Dropbox being probably the most famous among them. Other popular personal cloud services are iCloud, Google Drive and SkyDrive. Additionally, these private cloud services are free to use under a certain storage limit, usually between 2 and 5 GB which is enough for storing emails, documents and other raw data.

Therefore, these BYOC services offer an efficient option for storing files off-device for greater protection, automatic backup and constant availability. However, at the same time they provide an avenue for corporate users to compromise security by storing important data outside the company’s secure barriers. The concern here is not about the Bring Your Own Cloud trend taking over the Bring Your Own Device. The real question is:

How securely can the two concepts coexist in a corporate environment, where you cannot really stop users from using private cloud services when they bring their own devices?

Doriana Kote, Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc., a Channel Elite Awards Finalist for 2013

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  13277 Hits

Excel Based Journal Entries

Most office staff today perform a lot of analysis in Excel.  Staff are comfortable in Excel & familiar with its various functions.  As a result, staff may prefer to upload general journal entries through an excel based template.  Many times, large entries, such as those to a payroll clearing account, may need to be calculated in Excel before they can be entered in the system.  When staff already have the entry in Excel, its very convenient to be able to directly upload into GP.  As such, WebSan offers it's clients an Excel based Journal Entry upload tool capable of handling multiple journal entries spanning as many lines as required.

All customers should ensure their ERP partner / VAR offers the same baseline functionality in their system.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2013 Canadian Channel Elite Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  12454 Hits

Have a Dynamics GP Suggestion?

Do you have a suggestion for an improvement to Dynamics GP.  Let Microsoft know via Microsoft Connect:

Adam MacIntosh is  a Senior Project & Account Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc.

  7156 Hits

Automate your Workflow with WebSan Time and Expense Management System

Remember when you had to record your time on a spreadsheet? Then your boss had to approve it and send it to HR in order for you to get paid? Spreadsheets are still an important way to track information; however, tracking your time and expenses on a spreadsheet can become time-consuming and leaves room for more inaccuracy. WebSan Solutions has developed an add-on to eliminate spreadsheets in order to create efficiency within your organization.

The benefits of our system include:

  • Seamless integration with Dynamics GP database
  • Handle Canadian VAT (value added tax) and US taxes seamlessly
  • Track days off, holiday and vacation time
  • Internal reporting for timesheet status, expense reports, and history
  • Supports attaching receipts and documents to expense and timesheets
  • No need to use PDK to approve timesheets, ONE complete integrated solution
  • Full browser interoperability, so you can use your favorite browser and not just IE.

We fully integrate with Microsoft Dynamics GP, there are no firewall issues and our solution is 90% easier to setup and use! To find our more information about our Time and Expense Management System, contact us today!

Natalie Williams, Marketing Coordinator, WebSan Solutions Inc.

  11043 Hits

Upgrade to Dynamics GP2013

Want to upgrade to Dynamics GP2013 and enjoy all the new system benefits, call WebSan!  We are experienced with Microsoft Dynamics GP2013 upgrades and can help guide you in order to avoid typical pitfalls.  Microsoft is currently supporting Dynamics GP 2010 and 2013.  All users on older versions should look to upgrade immediately to ensure they are supported.


Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2012 Microsoft Impact Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  7474 Hits

Upgrade to Hosted Dynamics & Ensure License Compliance

Are you not current with your Microsoft Dynamics license maintenance?  Not ready to move off of Dynamics but not ready to pay the maintenance penalty?  Move to hosted Microsoft Dynamics GP.  We will upgrade you & move the system onto our servers.  You will be instantly up-to-date on your licensing and supportable my Microsoft.

Our clients are already enjoying the following benefits of hosting:

  • 24/7 access to Dynamics GP via our secure, SAS70/SSAE16 Tier II data centre located in Toronto, ON
  • Web-based access to Dynamics GP from anywhere, at any time
  • Backups every 30 minutes and the ability to restore to any point in time!
  • Weekly offsite, secure backups of their environment
  • Free upgrades and patches, based on their own timing and needs

You continue to own your licenses, we just host them for you.  Call now to find out how you can enjoy these same benefits.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2012 Microsoft Impact Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  18658 Hits

Upgrade Dynamics GP at No Cost!

The Microsoft Dynamics GP Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL) is a group of tools that allow users to improve system capabilities & increase productivity.  Users generally have access to these at no cost but do not take advantage of them.

Within the Finance module, one can Modify Accounts, Fiscal Periods, or Fixed Assets, allowing end users to convert historical records to new records, maintaining the necessary history & without corrupting your database.  Within the Purchasing module, users are able to update / convert vendor records, similar to the above.  Further, users have the ability to set minimum values for payabales cheques or combine cheques where necessary.  Similar updates are available throughout the system, allowing updates to master data records such as salespeople, territories, customers, employees, inventory, etc while maintaining the proper history.  One key feature many users like is the ability to unapply receivables documents, opening them back up for one to enter transactions against.

Ask us about how you can get free access to this wonderful tool today.

Adam MacIntosh is a Senior Account & Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc, a Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner and 2012 Microsoft Impact Awards Finalist.  Adam can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 416-499-1235 ext 213.

  7865 Hits

Get a Quote Today!

Customers are always looking to find the best deal possible, no matter what the product or industry.  Why not shop around?  Use our quote generator today to ensure you are saving money on your IT systems.  We offer hosting services, on-premise support, free upgrades, and more.


Check us out!  It only takes a couple minutes:


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  10138 Hits

Tracking Vacation Time Off

Despite the weather conditions this week, summer is approaching its peak and while employees are taking their vacation leave time, many organizations find it difficult to capture time off. Managers are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of accrued vacation leave records and they also need to ensure that time is reported accurately in accordance with the respected policies regarding vacation leave.

So what if employees could request time-off via the internet and managers could approve these requests and view their department’s work schedules online? It is obvious that a time tracking software reduces the time required versus manual options and the savings accelerate quickly. Additionally, the costs of archiving paper documents will vanish.

WebSan Solutions offers a robust, out of the box Time and Expense Management System that keeps track of your employee’s time and expenses easily. Moreover, its unique project management features will monitor your projects and your costs efficiently.

For more information on our web-based Time & Expense Management System, register for our free webinar on July 11th, at 11:00 am EST or contact us here.

Doriana Kote, Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc., a Microsoft Dynamics Silver Partner

  9684 Hits

WebSan Solutions Withstands the Eye of the Storm

Yesterday’s rainfall was the most rain in Toronto’s recorded history. Toronto is still recovering from an unprecedented rainstorm that shattered records and paralyzed the city. Yesterday’s storm dropped more rain in two hours than the city usually receives in the month of July. More than 300,000 residents were without power.

However, WebSan’s Microsoft Dynamics GP hosted environment was up and running full speed. We experienced no issues throughout the storm and our backup generating system was on standby when needed. Our SAS70/SSAE16 certified data centre was not affected by the severe weather; it was business as usual for all our clients. You always have access to your data, through our secure network, in our SAS70/SSAE16 certified data centre!

  7420 Hits

WebSan University Online Training is Here

WebSan University officially opened its doors to the public and takes WebSan Solutions webinars to a whole new level. The program consists of a series of extensive Microsoft Dynamics GP courses, from Bank Reconciliation to Project Accounting and is making its debut on July 25th, 2013 with its first course “Microsoft Dynamics GP Orientation”. In this introductory course new users will learn the basic principles of navigating and personalizing important areas of Dynamics GP as well as posting and integrating with other applications.

Why Online Training?

  • Immediate, cost- effective and easily affordable
  • Corporations save between 50-70% due to elimination of travel expenses according to Training Magazine
  • ROI to the Max - Affordable online training can be up to 93% cheaper than classroom training
  • Multimedia content, including dynamic video and graphics to efficiently illustrate key concepts
  • A new, easy and interactive way to learn.
  • Focus on the practical application of new approaches and tools
  • Contains applied work assignments that put learning into action
  • Ability to answer questions live

For more information on WebSan University Online Training and our upcoming courses, visit our website or contact us here.

Doriana Kote, Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc.

  8344 Hits

IRAPP DTAPP Funding for Small Business

Did you know you can receive up to $100K in government funding through IRAP Digital Technology Adoption Pilot Program(DTAPP)?

DTAPP is a component of the Government of Canada’s overall strategy to boost the productivity of small and medium – sized enterprises (SMEs) and improve Canada’s digital economy. The contribution acts a cost sharing mechanism and will be applicable to the expenses associated with the analysis, implementation and customization of new software or the direct labor and consulting components of implementing new digital technologies. If your proposal is accepted by the program, the government will also provide up to 80% of the payroll costs and 75% of the applicable sub-contractors fees for a project up to $100k contribution.

To be eligible for DTAPP services or funding, your firm must:

  • have 500 employees or less
  • be incorporated, for-profit and operate in Canada
  • be growth oriented
  • demonstrate plans to carry out a project designed to adopt digital technologies

WebSan Solutions Inc. will work with you and your company to find the best small-medium enterprise solution that will help your business grow and become more efficient. If you are considering implementing a new ERP project, contact us to learn more about the IRAP DTAPP funding opportunity.

Doriana Kote, Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc.

  9514 Hits

WebSan is in the July Edition of Snap North York

On June 2nd 2013, WebSan Solutions took part in Becel’s 26th annual Ride for Heart. More than 13,000 cyclists rode their bikes across the Gardiner Expressway and Don Valley Parkway. The event raised a record of $5.5 million, which is $500,000 more than it did in 2012.

We are glad that we could make a positive impact in eradicating heart disease and stroke! It has been a proud moment for all the employees here at the office.

To view our photo and the July edition of Snap North York, click here:[]=520947

By: Natalie Williams, Marketing Coordinator, WebSan Solutions Inc.

  7945 Hits
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