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SSRS Reports in Dynamics GP

For some of the more technical Microsoft Dynamics GP users, you may want a little more control and customization when reporting on your GP data.  SmartLists provide a fairly quick and dynamic option to custom reporting, but they may not be visually satisfying.  On the other hand, integrating BI360 with GP will allow you create very clean and organized reports in an Excel-like environment, but won’t give you that rudimentary control that your technical mind may crave.  If you’re looking for some sort of middle ground between these two options, take a look at SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) for Dynamics GP.

The key to creating effective SSRS reports is having a good knowledge of SQL – or at the very least, a fairly strong knowledge of databases.  This is what scares away some users, but for those that have this type of background, SSRS Reports could be your salvation in the pursuit of both visually appealing and fully customizable reports.

While SSRS Reports can be easily viewed within Dynamics GP, they are created in Microsoft Report Builder – a separate software program that is offered for free by Microsoft.  Using Report Builder allows you to take a custom SQL query that you have created (either from scratch or by using Report Builder’s intuitive Query Designer) and turn it into an appealing report.  With the ability to easily create tables, charts, and even visual scales/gauges, you can turn a simple list of data into a work of art!

If you have SSRS Reports deployed in your GP environment, you can view them by going into any series and selecting the “Reporting Services Reports” item in the Navigation Pane.

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  11480 Hits

Dynamics GP Around the World

With the weather getting a little colder, we all know the Holidays are fast approaching.  It is around the Holidays that many, like myself, begin to travel to see loved ones.  This year in particular, I have a lot of travel lined up.  This got me thinking about how popular Dynamics is around the world.  So with that said, here are some quick facts about Dynamics GP's worldwide popularity …

  • Dynamics is most popular in North America, the Middle East, Singapore, UK, Australia & Ireland.
  • Dynamics GP, originally called Great Plains, was developed in Fargo, North Dakota by Great Plain Software.
  • There are currently over 300 000 Dynamics customers around the world, spanning 41 languages

Adam MacIntosh is the Senior Project Manager with WebSan Solutions Inc., a professional services consulting firm specializing in helping companies get the most out of their ERP systems. You can contact Adam at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 416-499-1235 ext. 213.

  10439 Hits

The Pros and Cons of Online Accounting Software

Buying accounting software is a big decision you have to make when the time is right for your company. It’s a harder decision, especially when you’re a small business owner and don’t know much skill about accounting. Some people might wonder if online accounting software is right for them. What I’m going to do is point out the pros and cons of inquiring online accounting software. Hopefully some of these pros and cons will give you an idea if it’s for you or not, make sure you do your research and find the right accounting software for you.

The Pros of using online accounting software:

  • Some software can be straightforward to use even though you don’t have much financial knowledge. Their job is to help small business owners with the necessary tools to operate their business.
  • It’s easy to make updates because it can be done automatically.
  • You can check up on your financials everywhere and anywhere you are because all of your finances are online.
  • The software company has online support just in case you have a question. 
  • Most accounting software’s out here have mechanisms to back up your data so nothing happens to your data.

The Cons of using online accounting software:

  • There’s still the risk of hackers getting in the software.
  • Make sure you have an up-to-date internet connection because if your computer is running slow, so is your accounting software.
  • Having mobility is a good thing to have but be careful if you ever have to log in a public computer or even a friends computer, make sure you log off properly because you don’t want just anyone looking at that information.

By: Natalie Williams, Marketing Coordinator, WebSan Solutions Inc., a Canadian Certified Microsoft Dynamics Partner

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Two cloud based services offered by Microsoft Dynamics GP

A while back Microsoft offered two new cloud-based services that can be very beneficial to your company if you are already in the cloud or if you’re planning on moving to the cloud.

Microsoft has announced the first two accounting offerings for Dynamics GP 10.0 and GP 2010. Payment services and commerce services are the new two new services that are cloud based. Payment services have credit and debit card that is processed from Dynamics GP. Payment services work with: VISA, MasterCard, Discover Card, American Express and PayPal. The good part about it that there will be the same existing data entry screen and you don’t have to install or integrate new software and your customer benefits from this service because they have more options to make payments.

A commerce service has item catalog functions also with integration to Dynamics GP, using the same tool used to connect Dynamics CRM to Dynamics GP. This service is to support a business to consumer website it also allows you to extend your sales reach.  The great benefit about commerce service is that you can expand your sales across different channels and enabling online shopping, therefore, using another resource to increase your sales.

By: Natalie Williams, Marketing Coordinator, WebSan Solutions Inc., a Canadian Certified Microsoft Dynamics Partner

  7381 Hits

6 things you need to consider before you begin your ERP implementation: Part 2

If you haven’t read part one of this blog please click the link to get caught up!

If checklist one through three gets a check mark, you’re on the right track to avoiding as little problems as possible. Number four on the list is something that you must be responsible for because, you can’t blame all ERP implementation failures on your partner. Sometimes when a partner gets a client and there ready to kick start their plan, the clients give them all their “baggage” to fix and then leave. They eventually come back at the end, near the go-live date and say things like “Are we ready to go live yet?” Have you tested the system? Nope. Has your staff gotten trained? Nope. Then the answer to your question is nope. You don’t want to be that kind of client. Therefore make sure the implementation goes in steps or phases and make sure to have regular follow ups on the progress that has taken place.

Be motivated! Sometimes implementations take a while to finish, you might be checking off each suggestion on the list but when you come to number five you realize that what’s your lacking in. You need to be upbeat about this whole process, I’m not saying jump up and down and scream for joy that you are getting new accounting software. But at least have a good attitude towards the implementation; I say this because getting something new isn’t always a good thing. You have to retrain your staff; get familiarized with a new system and implement it to your company. That can be a bothersome to someone resulting in them giving you a hard time. As the client, be positive and have a good outlook on this new system, which could ultimately better your performance in the long run.

Last but not least number six on the checklist is to plan for everything and anything that could happen. Once one to five is checked off, be aware of number six. Even though you have everything planned to a T anything could happen from employees’ issues to company changes. Just be prepared for whatever can happen because even though you might be well prepared when it comes to the implementation there’s always a chance of a problem that could occur. You can’t predict and prevent everything but give yourself a fighting chance if a problem arises.

By: Natalie Williams, Marketing Coordinator, WebSan Solutions Inc., a Canadian Certified Microsoft Dynamics Partner

  7963 Hits

Shortcuts to Customize Your Microsoft Dynamics GP Home Page

If you are a frequent user of Microsoft Dynamics GP, chances are you use a select few windows much more often than others.  If this is the case, you may find it helpful to have shortcuts to these key windows directly on your home page.  These shortcuts can be added in several different ways:

  1. Quick Links – Arguably the most popular method is to add the window to the Quick Links pane of your home page.  To do this, hover over the Quick Links pane, select the pencil icon that appears in the top right corner of the pane, and click the Add button to add new links.  Don’t forget to refresh your home page if the new link does not appear right away.
  2. Navigation Pane – To add a shortcut to your navigation pane, open the window that you want to link to, select File, and select Add to Shortcuts.  A link to that window will now be added to your navigation pane when you are on your home page.
  3. Toolbar – To view the toolbar for a particular series, right-click the blue menu bar at the top of the Dynamics GP screen and select the desired series so that a checkmark appears next to it.  To customize which icons are on the toolbar, right-click the blue menu bar again, select Customize…, choose the appropriate series from the drop-down menu, and click Add to add a new icon to the toolbar.

By: Rahim Jiwani, Application Specialist, WebSan Solutions Inc.

  10506 Hits

6 things you need to consider before you begin your ERP implementation: Part 1

I was reading an article called “Six Basics of preventing pain in our ERP implementation” and I thought to myself, why are all these problems with ERP implementation occurring in the first place? It’s happening more than normal and I think I know why, Companies are not doing enough research, therefore, they choose the wrong partner and software. Here I have a checklist of six rules you should consider before saying yes and signing the dotted line.

Really research thoroughly about which partner would be the right partner for you and which software would be the right software for you. Even if you have ten companies and have to narrow it to one then do that. If you’re Googling “accounting software” there are millions of results that come up, I know that can be overwhelming but don’t choose only the top three results. Some people think that the top three results are the best results, but that’s completely untrue. Google doesn’t rank you higher based on your product or services quality, they rank based on search engine optimization, keywords and links. But that’s another blog; basically what I’m saying is take your time to do your homework.

When you find the right partner and software, make it clear on what you expect from your partner. Have a one on one sit down with the company you will be working with, there needs to be impeccable communication between both companies. Make sure you listen to their expectations and make sure they listen to your expectations, because if one person’s not listening to the project is bound to go wrong. Even if you have to take notes, you need and they need to fully understand the expectations of the project. That’s to prevent sentences like: “I never said that”, “But I thought you said…”, “I told you that, remember?” Also, it’s good to get everything in a tightly sealed contract so you can also avoid those phrases.

So once you’ve found the right partner and you found the right accounting software and there’s clear understanding amongst both companies, make sure they don’t go anywhere. Sounds weird enough, but I’m not joking, whoever is in charge of your project make sure they stay in charge of the project. The reason this is on the list is to prevent your partner from doing an 180 on you. If you have one project manager that is in charge of the project, if there are any hiccups in the implementation you can go straight to that person to address the problem. If there’s no one particular in charge of the plan, you’re only going to get the run around when a problem occurs because no one’s in charge. Another reason it’s on the list is because if the company switches the manager, you would have to communicate every single detail about the project all over again hoping that they can comprehend it  and execute it all in a short matter of time.

Tune into part two and see the rest of the checklist!

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  18812 Hits

5 tips for maintaining Microsoft Dynamics GP

You finally have Microsoft Dynamics GP and now you are ready to explore the wonderful world of online accounting software which is good and all but while you’re having lots of fun using the different applications it provides, don’t forget that you have to maintain it! Here are five tips to help you maintain Microsoft Dynamics GP.

1. SQL Backup

Make sure you create SQL backups of every database on your server. It’s recommended that you performed full backups or you have the option of full backups with transactions log backups, but it’s ultimately your choice. You also need to back up Dynamics databases, Company (s) databases and Model database.

2. File Backup

SQL aren’t that only backups that you have to do, don’t forget the other multiple files that need backing up to. For example any folder that ends in dic, set or config and all the other folders including subfolders. The <DATA> folder is included in the backup process as well as Dex.Ini that is located in the <DATA> folder for example OLEPath, OLEPathHR, Word Macro File etc.; I have one more suggestion, backup any files in the manuals of any add-on products.

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Evaluation Tools

In 1983, Quaker Oats purchased Gatorade, transforming it from a multi-million dollar business into a multi-billion dollar business.  Fast forward a decade & Quaker decided that another drink manufacturer was primed for the same growth.  This time, Quaker eyed a takeover of Snapple, a popular fruit beverage.  After paying a large ransom for the Snapple business, Quaker did not see the returns it had forecast.  The Snapple brand fizzled as Quaker resources were washed down the drain.  Eventually, the Snapple brand was sold at a $1.4 billion loss to Quaker.

What went right with Gatorade that went so wrong with Snapple?

The measurement tools that Quaker used to evaluate Gatorade were both accurate & appropriate.  However, in the decade that past, these same evaluation tools were not updated.  Quaker applied the same methods & metrics to the Snapple brand that they did to the Gatorade brand.  However, in the decade that had passed, these tools were no longer the most appropriate.

Evaluation mechanisms are constantly being updated.  What works today might leave you behind tomorrow.  Quaker found this out first hand.  If companies want to continue to thrive, they must be constantly tweaking & evaluating the tools they use to evaluate their business.

Microsoft Dynamics GP leverages ever evolving Microsoft technologies in order to provide the best reporting options possible.  Users can access reports in many different formats.  Business Alerts can send automated emails to any staf member when exception criteria are met or at specific intervals.  Emails can be configured to include attachments, including lists of applicable information.  Users can have similar automated Reminders open on their screens when specified criteria have been met.  This allows for fast & automated management by exception.

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Reporting on Microsoft Dynamics GP

A lesser-known method for reporting on your Microsoft Dynamics GP data is through Solver’s BI360.  BI360 is an Excel-based business intelligence tool that offers out-of-the-box integration with Dynamics GP for reporting, budgeting, and dashboards.  It offers several key benefits to users:

  • Familiar Environment – BI360 is an Excel add-on, which means all of your reporting is designed and displayed in the same Excel environment that you are already accustomed to.
  • Simple Design – No SQL knowledge is required to design your own report or budget in BI360.  It’s a simple drag-and-drop interface that allows almost anyone in your organization to develop customized and effective reports quickly.
  • Integration – BI360 automatically integrates with your Microsoft Dynamics GP environment and pulls data from GP in real-time when generating reports, so you never have to worry about synchronization.
  • Easy Distribution – not only does BI360 give you an easy and effective medium to design and view custom reports, but also allows you to easily distribute static versions of your reports to non-BI360 users.

In a nutshell, BI360 is a simple tool that provides powerful Dynamics GP reporting in a familiar environment – what more do you need?

By: Rahim Jiwani, Application Specialist, WebSan Solutions Inc.

  8818 Hits

We Are Certified!

Last week I met with a new client, we began with our normal introductions, etc.  They were curious as to my expertise with the Dynamics product line.  After discussing the seven different certifications I personally have from Microsoft, the conversation quickly moved onto other topics.  However, this reminded me of the rigorous screening process Microsoft employs for its partner network.

Any partner wishing to sell Microsoft Dynamics GP must have employees certified in its core financial management system.  Further certifications are required in database management among others.  Recently all Microsoft Partners were asked to complete formal training & certification in Sure Step, the Microsoft Project Management System.  I am glad to say all WebSan staff that were tested passed with flying colours!

Congratulations Team WebSan!

  10395 Hits

Are IT projects really ticking time bombs?

I recently read an article in the Toronto Star titled “IT projects are ticking time bombs.”

The article cited a study at Oxford University where they found that 17 percent of IT projects were so mismanaged that they had “average cost overruns of 200 per cent….”

After reading the article, I spent some time thinking about the IT projects I’ve been involved in over the years, from the large, multi-million dollar SAP projects to the smaller, 5-15 user Dynamics GP projects. I’ve had my share of smooth go-lives and my share of “rough” projects. One common theme with the projects that run smoothly is that an unbreakable link exists between the project team and their vision of what they’re working on and the overall business goals for the project.

It’s somewhat human nature, really. If we understand the “why” of what we’re doing, then the “what”, and “how” are easier to understand and “get behind.” I’ve seen projects with great potential and a really strong business case go off the rails because the executives didn’t effectively communicate to the project team what the real goal was. If the project team and leaders have “context” by which to understand the purpose behind the project, the odds of success rise dramatically.

There are obviously numerous other factors that affect the outcome of an IT project (which I’ve written about in the past), but I come back to executive involvement and leadership as the #1 factor in project success.

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Cut down on IT spending by using Software as a service

We all know that the economy is not in the best shape. Some companies are forced to downsize due to insufficient revenue in these times. Anywhere that they can cut cost is a benefit to them, that’s why many companies are now deciding to use Saas (Software as a service). Just because a company may be downsizing doesn’t mean their data and files do, so they still need software to store their information. The great aspect about Saas is that instead of spending money on hardware, installation and maintenance you have the advantages of having your company records, data and information web based.

If you can save money in you IT spending and still have the advantages of data being backed up, disaster recovery and long term record retention, wouldn’t you do it? But maybe you’re a smaller company and your IT department consists of only you. Then you should get your core business applications hosted in the “Cloud”. You still have access to everything in your database; the only difference is that it’s through the internet. Now you might ask, “What kind of software would be a good choice to leverage as a hosted solution?”

Microsoft Dynamics GP online accounting software gives companies the flexibility to customize the software based on their needs and requirements. It’s one of the most capable and sophisticated business accounting solutions for small to medium business, now available in the Cloud. No need to install software on users’ laptops or worry about keeping the system updated with the latest patch.

Investing in Online Dynamics GP is a good investment in your business; it puts your finance department on the same wavelength with other department and keeps your general ledgers, payables and receivables, budgeting, collections management highly organized.

For more information about Microsoft Dynamics GP click here

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What you gain from Business Intelligence (BI) in Microsoft GP

A CEO plays one of the most important roles in a business and has a tremendous amount of responsibility. So some people may say, “I would never want to be a CEO, it’s just too much”. But I say, “If you increase your business intelligence using Microsoft GP, it is a breeze.” Now you’ll have more knowledge to:

Make better business decisions

  • You don’t have to solely rely on advisors, consultants and employees because you have educated yourself about what’s been going on in the company.

Use a tool you are already familiar with to reduce operational costs

  • With more than 200+ built in Excel reports it is easier to observe changes in the company and react to market conditions rapidly.

Achieve your budget and forecast targets more consistently

  • Productivity improves because budgeting will be more accurate and planning will be more organized.

Be notified about key changes in your business rapidly

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Built In Informational Messages on Login

One of the lesser known setup features of Microsoft Dynamics GP2010 is the ability to have the system pop-up a predefined message box on login advising to the status of an environment.

If anyone has used the fabrikam company, you know what I'm referring to, the modal dialog box that appears advising that this is a demonstration company, etc etc.

There are actually two other message boxes that you can trigger for your own company.

If you navigate to your company setup screen  (Tools--> Setup --> Company --> Company)

You can add two different reserved tags to the end of the Company Name.

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  7666 Hits

Server Error in /lus Application error on Home Screen

New on the Dynamics GP2010 home screen is the "Connect" window. This widget dynamically populates with Microsoft Dynamics GP support information, user groups and links to general information.

One thing we noticed is with any of our test companies we always saw this error:

Well it turns out this is caused by special characters in the company name.

As many of you know, when you put the tag "<TEST>" into the company name you get a nice warning on login that this is a a test company. See this blog for details...

Unfortunately, the angle brackets cause the URL to the Dynamics Connect site to get malformed.

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  9060 Hits

The Digital Transaction: eBanking in Dynamics GP

A couple of days ago I blogged about the transition from paper to the digital age. Now, it's time to familiarize yourself with the eBanking capabilities in Dynamics GP.

For those who don't know, more and more businesses are relying on electronic funds transfer or EFT to pay their bills. The most obvious reason is that it is just plain easier. However, it also automates the process of sending and receiving payments, provides an electronic record of payment and some vendors may even offer better terms for EFT payers due to typically shorter wait times for payments and less paperwork on their end. Work smarter and faster by accessing transaction information online and applying transaction accounts when they occur, rather than days or weeks later.

With eBanking in Dynamics GP EFT, you can:

  • Manage your financials more effectively
  • Reduce administrative expenses
  • Improve Productivity
  • Increase your financial security
  • Access decision-driving information online

The comprehensive eBanking tools in Microsoft Dynamics GP improves overall efficiency within an enhanced security environment. By automate your company's critical banking activities and interact with your bank electronically saves your company and yourself time and money.

  7529 Hits

Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step

The truth that most consultants won’t tell you is that the majority of technology projects fail.  The reasons for these failures can vary dramatically.  In order to minimizes & mitigates these varied risks, Microsoft has developed a proven methodology for Microsoft Dynamics implementations based on industry best practices.

This project management methodology is systematic & phase based as well as scalable to the size of projects.  It applies to project big & small, enterprise to standard, complex to standard upgrades.  Further, it encompasses all phases of any implementation.  This repeatable process helps consultants better meet customer expectations by properly managing organizational change.  Customer decision making is further streamlined through decision accelerators.  This leads to low-risk, successful implementations.

All Microsoft Dynamics Partners are required to have staff certified in Sure Step.

[caption id="attachment_421" align="aligncenter" width="404" caption="Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step"][/caption]

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Frequently asked questions about the WebSan Cloud Dynamics GP Solution

I frequently receive questions from Clients regarding our Hosted Dynamics GP solution, so I thought I would publish our "FAQ" document on our blog for all to see. If you have additional questions, feel free to contact us and we can help you with any inquiry you may have.

Q: What is the cost of Hosted Dynamics GP?

A: You will need to contact us in order to discuss your requirements in a bit more detail so that we can provide you with a quote customized to your needs.

Q: Who owns the data?

A: The Client owns the data and WebSan Solutions owns the application as well as any customizations and/or enhancements made to it.

Q: Where is the data hosted?

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  7873 Hits

From the Gutenberg Press to Hosted Dynamics GP

Many companies have started to embraced enterprise resource planning (ERP) in order to maintain their competitiveness. They have quickly learned a fundamental truth: technology can move a company forward only as far as its business processes will allow.

Amongst most organizations, paper or hard copies is the principal format for sharing invoices and associated documents for approval. Paper processes generates uncertainty and blind spots in a business. An example could be your Accounting department. Accounting has no way of knowing where a paper invoice resides on someone’s draw or desk after it is sent around for approval, nor how long it will sit there. Executives are unable to make accurate financial predictions because they see only completed transactions—not those in process, floating somewhere in the company’s structure.

With paper processes restraining the real value of a paperless ERP for companies large and small, the need for a way to automate the transformation of paper documents into digital data and to manage the resulting documents has prompted technology developers to innovate a new generation of devices and services. This is where Hosted Microsoft Dynamics GP comes in.

The next technological move from paper format is for companies and their accounting departments to consider is the cloud—online services that can dramatically reduce the costs of technology. Instead of a company’s investing more in its own infrastructure—additional servers, software, networking and maintenance—it can turn to the cloud for the applications it needs. By integrating your company with the Microsoft Dynamics cloud platform, it easily scales with your company’s needs and automatically upgrades as innovations evolve.

To help your company get away from paper and into the clouds, contact us here.

  7299 Hits