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3 Interesting Cloud Computing Statistics

Cloud computing has become a huge trend in the last five years; IDC has predicted a 130% increase in cloud computing by 2016. There are so many benefits to moving to the cloud that companies cannot resist anymore. For example, companies prefer a subscription payment model because they only pay for how much data they need. Cloud computing recovery services have been a cost-effective way to back up your whole company. Also, security is improving all the time; there is continuous effort to provide cloud computing companies with top quality safety structure. Here are three interesting cloud trends to watch which could help boost cloud computing in the long-term:

  1. In a study done by Gartner, they predict the size of the cloud computing market could reach $150 billion in 2013.This is not a surprising number due to the excitement and benefits that cloud computing can offer businesses in the long run. An on-premise solution looks less appealing as the cloud computing market thrives.
  2. Mimecast did a statistic based study and found that 7/10 companies using cloud services will move new applications to the cloud. Only 70%? Have you heard the saying “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”? This means some businesses are still skeptical about moving to the cloud. However, based on trends, they will probably move their applications to the cloud sooner or later.
  3. Gartner also predicted that 60% of server workloads will be virtualized by 2014.This was not news to me because of the number of benefits you get in return. You don’t need to purchase hardware; you can reduce your carbon footprint and lower your energy costs. This is a great way to save money in the long run. At WebSan Solutions, you have access to your data, through our secure network, in our SAS70/SSAE16 certified data centre.

To see what our business accounting software can offer you visit our website.

To read more about different cloud computing statistics click here.

Natalie Williams, Marketing Coordinator,WebSan Solutions Inc., a Canadian Certified Microsoft Partner

  10046 Hits

What Customers Can Look Forward to in Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains 2013 (Part 1)

The release is almost here! Business is growing and so is technology so look no further! Microsoft Dynamics GP is committed to helping you do this by delivering a widespread vision and solution for your business. In part 1 of this blog I will be talking about 3 features that you can look forward to in the upcoming release.

Take command of your business

Have access to Dynamics GP virtually everywhere. There will be a new web client so you can use and contribute to Dynamics GP anywhere, anytime. The business analyzer dashboard helps you gain access to key performance indicators, reports and important information.

What’s new about business intelligence is it now offers both full service and self-service users have more of an “out-of-the-box” Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services and Microsoft Excel Reports.

Drive efficiency up while you drive costs down.

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  8359 Hits

Leave Feedback to Unlock New Resources with Dynamics GP and CRM Demos

WebSan Solutions’ Microsoft Dynamics GP and CRM interactive demos now enables users to leave feedback to unlock new resources that will offer additional information that can help in the ERP software selection process.

The Dynamics GP and CRM demos boast over 300 downloads and have been a trusted tool in helping give an overview of both systems’ capabilities and main modules. The demos give an inside look at what the systems can offer and show a preview of each system before users decide to purchase. Not only are the demos useful in the research process, they also prove valuable for their interactive functionality. The interactive functionality allows users to type in and click on specific fields; a feature that is not common to traditional software demos.

When users leave feedback for the demos after downloading, they are given links to valuable resources that offer additional information on the two systems. For the Dynamics GP demo, users can access an estimate of WebSan’s Dynamics GP implementation cost, while those who leave feedback for the Dynamics CRM demo can watch an exclusive webinar on maximizing Dynamics CRM’s out-of-the-box features.

Download our demos today to unlock these valuable resources!

 Linz Tan, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc. a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service Excellence

  8215 Hits

Are IT projects really ticking time bombs?

I recently read an article in the Toronto Star titled “IT projects are ticking time bombs.”

The article cited a study at Oxford University where they found that 17 percent of IT projects were so mismanaged that they had “average cost overruns of 200 per cent….”

After reading the article, I spent some time thinking about the IT projects I’ve been involved in over the years, from the large, multi-million dollar SAP projects to the smaller, 5-15 user Dynamics GP projects. I’ve had my share of smooth go-lives and my share of “rough” projects. One common theme with the projects that run smoothly is that an unbreakable link exists between the project team and their vision of what they’re working on and the overall business goals for the project.

It’s somewhat human nature, really. If we understand the “why” of what we’re doing, then the “what”, and “how” are easier to understand and “get behind.” I’ve seen projects with great potential and a really strong business case go off the rails because the executives didn’t effectively communicate to the project team what the real goal was. If the project team and leaders have “context” by which to understand the purpose behind the project, the odds of success rise dramatically.

There are obviously numerous other factors that affect the outcome of an IT project (which I’ve written about in the past), but I come back to executive involvement and leadership as the #1 factor in project success.

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  8423 Hits

How to Solve Your Online Accounting Problems with a Hosted ERP System

Move to the cloud or stay on premise? What do you choose? Some firms are very skeptical about moving to the cloud while others welcome it. If you are a company that thinks it’s time for a change, then using Hosted ERP System will be for you. Read the following list that I wrote about benefits of Hosted ERP System below:

  • Do you prefer to pay for what you use? Hosted Dynamics GP uses a subscription-based licensing model, where you pay for the number of user licenses.
  • Trying to keep your cost low? Licensing fees are very predictable and can be known in advance.
  • Looking to get a quick start on things? Hosted Dynamic GP guarantees faster deployment and implementation than choosing to be on premise.
  • Do you want to save energy costs?  You don’t have to have a server; you just need an internet connection.
  • Still want to be in control of your data and business? Don’t worry, you also have 24/7 access to your data. You have the options of adding and removing users if you choose.

Are you still undecided? If you want to learn more information about Hosted Dynamics GP, visit our website At WebSan Solutions Inc. we help you unlock your systems potential.

By: Natalie Williams, Marketing Coordinator, WebSan Solutions Inc., a Canadian Certified Microsoft Dynamics Partner

  7314 Hits

Our First Webinar for 2012 Was A Success!

Last Thursday, we hosted our first web conference for this year. We discussed SQL linked Excel Reports and reviewed how you could effectively use tools, like pivot tables. With such a great turn out, we’re looking forward to hosting web conferences regularly. To be informed with the latest webinars, send us a message or e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You can view the recorded webinar and other Microsoft Dynamics GP training videos at our YouTube channel.

Excel Reporting - Part 1

By: Mabelle Gonzales, Marketing Coordinator at WebSan Solutions Inc, a Canadian Certified Microsoft Dynamics Partner.

  7001 Hits

Information about Microsoft Dynamics GP Email Integration

Sending an email should be easy to compose and send, it also should be easy to reply and forward to different people. Hotmail has one of the simplest ways of navigating and organizing emails, but the problem with that is companies don’t use Hotmail as their email provider. So say the email system that you’re using is giving you a hard time by not sending emails properly or sending all your emails to the junk folder, many of these problems can be frustrating and make you appear to be unprofessional. Here are a few benefits of using email integration in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

  • Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 allows users to effortlessly email single and/or numerous documents. You can also send emails from a list in the system. You have the option of choosing a document that you want to send to a specific customer or vendor.
  • With email integration, you can send documents as HTML, PDF, DOCX, or DOCX.
  • You can customize messages for each document and/or customer/vendor combinations.
  • You can also combine many documents and send them all at once in a single email.

So if you think your company needs a new email system and perhaps a new online accounting software system, why not kill two birds with one stone?

By: Natalie Williams, Marketing Coordinator, WebSan Solutions Inc., a Canadian Certified Microsoft Dynamics Partner

  9335 Hits

BYOD Could Provide Tremendous Increase in Employee Satisfaction

According to Webopedia, BYOD (Bring your own device ) refers to employees who bring their own computing devices – such as smartphones, laptops and PDAs – to the workplace for use and connectivity on the corporate network.

Employees want to have the ability to work anywhere using their own device. Work flexibility is one of the key elements required in order to recruit good talent and increase employee retention.

Companies are reporting a reduction in employee turnover because BYOD and work shifting are able to bring more employee satisfaction, compared to any other motivational strategies that companies have traditionally implemented.

Employees prefer close workplace proximity and people generally choose their work based on commuting time and convenience, so working from home or anywhere else other than the office can lead to a tremendous boost in satisfaction.

A particularly good way to protect your company’s data is to implement a virtual environment within the device.  Employees can work and access all relevant data, but no data is ever actually saved within the device; both applications and data are cloud based, with the device simply serving as a portal.

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  10512 Hits

Five Reasons why you should use Hosted Dynamics GP

Technology is shifting to the clouds. Whether it's phone apps like the Apple iCloud or email like Hotmail’s SkyDrive, many firms are transitioning there.  It makes sense to move your ERP system from on-premise to hosted instead. Using Hosted Microsoft Dynamics GP still means your software application is in a data center. You can still access your information where ever you are 24/7. You can rest assured of the security and reliability of your business. These are some reasons why you should use Hosted Dynamics GP:

  • Superior security, availability and control of your data
  • Lower Hardware Cost
  • Reduced Maintenance cost and improved ROI
  • Built – in disaster recovery and repair
  • Gain access to your data from anywhere

To learn more about Hosted Dynamics GP, visit  We are a cloud Microsoft Dynamics Certified Partner and IT consulting and solutions provider. We have over a decade of experience in Enterprise Software solutions, business and financial accounting software, implementation and design.

Natalie Williams, Marketing Coordinator, WebSan Solutions Inc., a Canadian Certified Microsoft Dynamics Partner

  8250 Hits

WebSan Reaches 50,000 Views on YouTube

WebSan's YouTube account began in 2012 to showcase training and webinar videos featuring Microsoft Dynamics GP and CRM. Today, our YouTube account has more than 50,000 views. We're sending a big thank you to our YouTube subscribers and viewers. Without your support, we wouldn't be celebrating this milestone!

 Here are our top 2 most viewed videos:

 Stay up to date with our new videos by subscribing to our YouTube channel.

Linz Tan, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc. a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service 

  1191 Hits

3 Reasons Why You Should Implement an ERP System


As a business owner an ERP system will take your business to the next level. It will take all your current business flows and transforms them into a single process. Majority of ERP systems have already been pre-developed to fit the standard business prototype but can be modified to better fit your business needs. Once you have the ERP system in place, you will have access to all the right tools to remain highly competitive in the marketplace and become more efficient. Implementing an ERP system for your business can be highly profitable in the long run and can assist your company in becoming more scalable for future growth. Here are three reasons why you should implement an ERP system:

Reason One: Streamlined Processes

Once your ERP system has been implemented, all of your department’s processes streamlined. These faster and simpler working methods will increase employee efficient and in return, create a stronger business model. Also, room for human error decreases significantly when an ERP system is in place. As multiple departments, work as one, the business can now develop and grow into something bigger than it was before.

Reason Two: Customer Service

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  6418 Hits

Dynamics NAV Manufacturing Series Part 7 Webinar

This webinar is a continuation of the Dynamics NAV Manufacturing Series. In Part 7, we will discuss the following;

  • Variance reporting
  • Labor reporting
  • Dashboards and insights
  • Power BI
  • Variance reporting
  • Labor reporting
  • Dashboards and insights
  • Power BI

Date: Tuesday March 20, 2018
Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm EST

Click Here to Sign Up For The Webinar Today!

  6216 Hits

5 Reasons to Choose Cloud Computing

Perhaps your company is struggling with existing complex and costly business software and hardware in order to carry out your day-to-day business activities. Your company has hired a team of expensive specialists/experts to manage and maintain these systems. It has come to the point that your company can no longer keep up-to-date with the latest technology due to limited resources. What should your company seek in a new enterprise solution? With the beginning of a new year, it's important to consider the advantages of making a transition to the cloud.

Cloud computing is a network of your company's business areas located externally on the internet.  The biggest advantage of cloud computing is that you no longer have to purchase expensive business software or hardware - not to mention the costly IT staff required to maintain your systems. All of your company's activities and information are located in an external online server which is supported and managed by an experienced vendor. As all your business functions are online, all necessary updates, upgrades, and backups are done automatically. Additionally, your company benefits from access to real-time information from each department such as HR, Marketing, Sales, and Accounting, among other business areas. Finally, your company benefits from being able to scale your cloud network up or down depending on your business needs and/or as your company grows. With these factors in mind, consider these 5 reasons to choose cloud computing as your next business venture:

Up and running within days/weeks as there is no purchase of hardware or software. All you need is an internet connection.
Reduce dependence on IT personnel.
Remotely access your information from any location on any device.
Real-time access to your company's information across all business areas.
Scalability allows for your company to make changes as your company grows.

Make the Transition to Cloud Computing Today!

View our Cloud Computing Products

Nilofhar Zarif - Kadir, Web Marketing Assistant, WebSan Solutions Inc., a 2014 Ontario Business Achievement Award Winner for Service Excellence

  8551 Hits

Resolving The "File not found: VBA6.dll" Error

Learn more about Dynamics GPView Dynamics GP PricingFree Dynamics GP Training

There are a number of recorded issues with Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 and 2010 when attempting to reference VBA code on 64-bit machines. Both Office 2010 and Crystal Reporting are known culprits in causing this issue to occur, as their installations update some system registry keys for VBA 6 incorrectly. Office 2010 references VB7, thus it should not be affecting keys it does not require. Registry Keys are used by the system as container objects, similar to folders, that can store values or further keys. If the value of a registry key is changed without the knowledge of an application that references its value, problems can arise. This would be the case for the VBA 6 file not being found.

I recently had a client of whom we were aiding implement an on-premise installation of GP and needed to deploy the software, along with any customized forms and reports we had designed, to a dozen workstations. After completing the deployment steps without any issue on the first three workstations, it was not until the forth that the system administrator eventually encountered the “File not found: VBA6.dll” error. The error can occur either on login to GP or when accessing custom VBA code through ‘Modifier’, if installed. Upon discussion, I was told that both Office 2010 and Crystal Reporting resided on the machine (Crystal was later removed, however the effects its installation has on registry keys can remain even after its removal).

To resolve the issue, there are two steps that need to be confirmed and/or completed to allow GP to properly reference the system dll:

(NOTE: Making changes to system registry keys is only advisable for advanced users, as incorrectly performing any steps can corrupt the system if care is not taken. Contact your system administrator for help.)
1. Ensure that Dynamics GP is not running.

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  31616 Hits

WebSan Solutions comes out of Toronto's 2013 Ice Storm unscathed

Saturday’s ice storm was one of the worst ice storms in Toronto’s history. A utility company described the ice story as‘ far worse than imagined. Forestry crews have been brought in to help cut up and move massive tree limbs littering streets and roadways. Over 225,000 homes and businesses are still without heat and light across the city. The city is currently working to restore power and heat across Toronto. (Source: metronews)

It was business as usual here at WebSan Solutions! We experienced no issues throughout the storm and our backup generating system was on standby if needed. Our Microsoft Dynamics GP Hosted environment was up and running without a hitch. You always have access to your data, through our secure network, in our SAS70/SSAE16 certified data centre!

WebSan Solutions is dedicated to helping all businesses make better business decisions by improving their access to important company data and information, in rain or shine!

Natalie Williams, Marketing Coordinator, WebSan Solutions Inc.a Channel Elite Awards Winner for 2013


  9956 Hits

How to Upload Business Cards into Dynamics 365 for Sales



The best thing about Dynamics 365 for Sales is how easy it is to add a lead into the system. Since the only required fields to add a lead are Topic and the Last name this makes it quicker to add a lead into the system. It’s also common for prospects to provide their business cards which can get lost or misplaced amongst other piles of paperwork. With the help of Dynamics 365 for Sales a Business Card can be added into the Dynamics 365 for Sales for safe keeping. Follow the steps below to add a business card into the profile or a new lead or a new contact.

1. Ensure that you’ve been assigned the Common Data Service User role.

2. Login to the Dynamics 365 for Sales environment. 

3. Click on the Quick Add Button on the top right navigation pane and click on Lead or Contact.

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  4207 Hits

Unveiling WebSan Solutions' Top 10 Recommended Jet Reports for Financial Insights

  In the realm of business data analysis and reporting, Jet Reports has become a go-to solution for organizations seeking powerful reporting tools. In this blog post, we will highlight WebSan Inc.'s top 10 recommended Jet Reports from our financial package, based on our expert opinions and customer feedback. 1. Company Overview: The Compa...

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  1713 Hits

Streamlining Your Operations: How our EDI App for Dynamics 365 Business Central Can Improve Your Workflow

In today's fast-paced business world, efficiency and accuracy are essential for success. One area where businesses can improve efficiency and accuracy is in their electronic data interchange (EDI) processes. EDI allows businesses to exchange important data electronically, streamlining communication and reducing errors. WebSan Solutions Inc. offers ...

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  1776 Hits

Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot – Next Generation AI for the Workplace

As AI becomes more prevalent in workplaces, Microsoft is striving to transform your language into the ultimate productivity resource with Microsoft 365 Copilot. This tool seamlessly integrates with your everyday Microsoft 365 apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Teams. Moreover, Business Chat enables you to offer AI natural languag...

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  2169 Hits

Dynamics 365 Business Central - Managing Scrap in Production Orders

In Dynamics 365 Business Central, a scrap represents the material that is considered waste or unusable during the manufacturing process. It is typically created when a product is being produced and some of the raw materials are discarded due to defects, quality issues, or other reasons. The scrap can then be recorded in the system as a cost and inc...

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  5686 Hits